Dear Zierhut, class imbalance remains

Dear Zierhut,

I hope you are well.

In a recent interview you gave to Gamerant, you were asked:

Q: Speaking of what players are saying, were there any #somechanges that came along because of feedback from the community?**

**Zierhut:Probably some people are curious about “Hey, we made class balance changes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Will we make class balance changes in Cataclysm?” I think our rule of thumb will remain the same. If it reaches the point where you say, “Oh, our entire raid group or most of our raid group should be this class or this spec, we should just stack lots of those players,” then we’ll probably need to bring them down a little bit. Likewise, if you say, “Never bring this class or spec in the raid,” then we’ll probably need to bring them up. We’ll be watching those. Those are the guardrails: everybody gets to play.

I can assure you that class imbalance remains.

Raids already are excluding Warrior Tanks, Holy priests, Restodruids, Paladin tanks etc and are stacking mages, hunters, and Blood DK tanks.

You should to address this ASAP since Cataclysm is on an accelerated schedule.

Thank you for your time!

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Cata balance ? Bro thiis wont happen. Of course if you manage to find time machine and go back on time and join Blizzards cata team and do changes, yea there is a possibility but not with known scientific knowledge.

Meanwhile our raid has a Pala Tank.
Thats people minmaxing their buttcheeks off. Always happen.
You can have a dps only 5% weaker & ppl will prefer whichever is stronger.

Restodruids are more than fine to bring, who exclude those ?
Warrior tank ye they’re a bit on the weaker end because they are strong vs pure physical dmg, but anything else & they’re a wet cloth. Maybe if spellreflect could be like a magic shield? Perhaps a custom glyph that only works in pve.

I don’t know, but i’m not sure i agree with your whole list there. And disc priest are just fine, you know, priests 2nd heal specc.

Also focus on the sentence “never bring.” As in, a specc that is so bad, it just griefs the raid. No specc is like that. All speccs can do enough damage or healing to clear.

You can def run fury warrior, warr tank, pala tank, holy priest & resto & still clear.

They’re not, or they wouldn’t bring a meme tank. Blood DK MT with Feral OT is 95% fixed.

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That sounds exactly like tryharding and blindly following meta. Which is player created problem. Yes Blood Tanks are the strongest but others can work well enough. You’re not making a raid impossible if you bring in Prot Paladin and Prot Warrior.

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There should not even be the opportunity for players to create such a problem. It’s not a player created problem in essence. The problem lies with the class balance. If there was class balance it would not matter what spec you brought. There is not. Some classes are better than othes. So players gravitate towards them.

Pretty sure this is intentional game design

Retail has same issue with broke /op VDK

I always thought players enjoyed chasing whats hot and having an easier time than other class’s

Either blizz dont want to balance class’s or they are really bad at it.

And this would make the game insanely boring if every class just a copy pasta. Having a slight power difference is not making anything bad. It is player created. If you need these 5% more power because you otherwise can’t kill the boss, the problem is you, not the game. What happened to all these wannabe pro players who apparently like the challenge? Why do they need the strongest of the strongest only? :slight_smile:

Bigger numbers bigger PP.

Personally I was not aware UH being super strong in Cata, only Blood DK.
I just watched a guy play wow pserver for Cata, talking about how good it was in pvp.
And it looked so fun when he played, so i switched from Warlock.

I wanted a bigger pvp focus in Cata than I’ve had before. But I do main pve.

What kind of argument is that? Class and spec should differ by playstyle and abilities they have, not by how well they perform in doing the same task.

There is nothing wrong when some class or spec performs slightly better than others, but it have to be within reasonable boundaries, not that it clearly outperform the other, making anything else undesirable.

I always wanted to play marksmanship hunter, but competitive content always forced me to play survival spec.
Same goes for warrior. Since I play Dwarf for that class, I prefer to dual-wield, I don’t want to play arms just because it outperform the other spec.

Nobody is asking for every class and spec of the same role to have exact same abilities, just different graphics for them, but when some spec perform poorly compared to others, up to the point they are not considered viable for the content, they should get some boost to make them perform closer to the other spec or class.

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And this is exactly how you can the disbalance. Yet it’s obviously is still fine and you can take any tank to a raid.

I know? And I am not saying otherwise.

And it is, with DK being obviously in the own league but it doesn’t make other tanks obsolete. If anything I remember back then feral was even better at some bosses. People are mainly influenced by streamers and not the actual balance. We all know that.

DPS specs are a different story. Obviously they are not perfectly balanced. The goal is to make sure every → class ← can perform well, not every spec. It is too hard to balance everything, it’s just is how it is. Also, should consider how old Cata is.

lol?^^ so… basically yes but not but yes?

And they got it but in later expansions. It’s just not as easy as you think. For exactly this reason FF14 has no different specs for a class, they don’t even give you talents. This should give you an idea how hard it is to balance it, meanwhile FF14 is a PvE focused game and even they can’t do it.

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