Dear Zugzug faction players

Says the guy who can’t even dps green logs (he did grey) on normal raid with full almost mythic raid gear (472 ilvl).
Mate, you just embarrass yourself. Stop!!! Chill. Relax. Take it easy…

Oh, this again. My iLvL is 475 not 472 and yeaa I have 20k dps with 475 iLvL.

Imagine dying to a noob like me and then crying via whispers, this makes things much worse for your faction…

I have a feeling you where not alone. When i see a solo alliance on maps, he never attack me. I’m always attacked ONLY when there are two or more alliance.
Who knows, maybe lonely shamans scare alliance players too much…

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In his battlegroup alliance only goes out in 4-5 man groups. Havent seen solo or even duo alliance players in weeks (in Uldum/Vale).

The funny story is…this guy and his group attacked me near Uldum boss the other day. He + 2 of his mates died. Too bad they had a rogue mate that cheapshot → kidney me while they ressed.

Which guy you are talking about here? :smiley:

I guess you don’t remember :slight_smile:

Yesterday, east side of the Pyramid near invasion boss.

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I don’t remember yea, besides I’m an Arms warrior now, it isn’t famous with its world PvP you know…

If you zerg, like you do, anything is viable ;).

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If we zerged we wouldn’t die Dana :smile_cat:

Depends how fast the rest of your group shows up.

get over yourself, you’re killing handicapped noobs that play on a trackpad and have 25 fps and 350 ms

lol what a big attention baby

Bold words from a furry

/clap…I guess…6-9 months ago there was a horde ganker who posted a topic about alliance wishing him to die and die of cancer cause he ganked them…soooooo…nothing new in your topic tbh…this happen to any ganker in any faction…in fact search for a player (I think his name is a abomination) who posted here in the pvp forums watch his videos of him ganking the hell out of SW and see the endless whispers of cries of alliance players (wishing him good life n prosperity lol)…

The point is I dont think “baby faction” is the right description…but you can say baby players or somthing…:man_shrugging:t2:

this guy got faction pride full of himself. imagne playing a the most feminim elf male ingame and being proud of it

Imagine how fragile you must be to be threatened by pixels.

Can’t relate.

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imagne being fragile to a joke

cant relate

That’s the best you could do.

Oh hunty. That ain’t it.

i could do worse but i respect the forums rules and will not get into any drama or any kind of stuff that isnt related to the topic.

You pride yourself with your bad jokes?

Are you trying to sink harder than the titanic or what’s your game. :laughing: