Death and decay for Frost cleave

Hello fellow DKs:

All of us want a rework but If It cannot be just make Death and decay an aura on the char not on ground so we can at least cleave and be somewhat viable, i strongly believe Frost cleave should be attached to remorseless winter instead but anyway ill take any quality if life upgrade.


Sounds to good, blizz don’t want frost dks to be fun to play.

ok man lol

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Hopefully, with Mages losing rune of power, Blizzard will start to realise that the gameplay around “stay around your designated little circle in order to perform vitally better” is just such dull and outdated idea.

I get it for defensive mechanics, thematically makes more sense too yeah. But offensively… Jeez let’s get over it please. Same for UH, the silver lining is that Defile grows in size so it’s easier to keep mobs in there for longer.

(PS: fix defile visual already…)

Tried some solo shuffle as frost today above 2k, i dropped to 1987 we so bad, but i am not giving up.

Started at 2030 i can get back.

This was my exact thought couple days ago. DnD as aura with radius would be much better or toggable aura with cd/permanent aura with reasonable diminishing returns.

It just feel so awful to press your entire kit and think where you put DnD. Not to mention that many tanks or situations require quick reposition and your DnD is chilling somewhere on grass…

Too many GCDs, clunky DnD mechanic. Some treatment and refreshment for entire DK class would be welcomed, but as far as I remember, DKs have been always left in the dirt. Both PvP and PvE.

Or those moments you accidentially put a D&D up on a lamp somewhere because the camera was positioned just right.

My favourite one is sanguine inevitably spawning on top of DnD so tank has to move. Fun…

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