Any DoT or effect that I can think of get dispelled or stops working when Freezing Trap goes off. Death Chakram keeps on going, which means, for 6 seconds (I tested) after the first hit connects, you cannot trap the target.
This is a huge disadvantage for the hunter!
On the flipside, Death Chakram does not break Scatter Shot, and you can cast it whenever, and the enemy will still take damage.
Onto Explosive Shot. This causes an auto-attack to go off as Survival spec, no matter what, which breaks both Freezing Trap and Scatter Shot.
With MM/BM you can cast it without breaking any CC. Tested with the same macro on all specs.
Survival has 8 yd melee range, which means you will have to gain range on your target, then cast Explosive. A work-around is to turn around 180° and shoot, then turn back again.
Thankfully Explosive Shot can be used even when facing away from your enemy. Still, it is a hassle, and needs to be looked at.
Your right, it does need looking at, but the developers need to be aware of the problem first. Unfortunately here in the EU zone, Blizzard chose not to accept bug reports via the forums, which is why there is no bug reporting forum.
Bugs here in the EU MUST be reported via the in-game bug reporting tool. A forum post “reporting” a bug, is just a waste of bytes.
If the bug reporting tool doesn’t permit you enough space to write about the bug, you might consider trying to condense it, or if you can’t condense it, you can include a link to your forum post about it, but other than that, developers do not read the EU forums.
Note: I did say “Bug Reporting Tool”, not a GM ticket. They don’t accept bug reports via GM ticket either.
Solid, posted it here instead, since it was too long for the bug reporter. Will try to condense it, and will also post it in the Bug Report section on the US site once I get a character to lvl 10 there. I just hope it works with trial accounts.
Don’t wanna waste a months sub to be able to post there. Or is that one of their subtle money making schemes?
No subscription, or actual visit to the US forum, is needed for this.
This way please: Bugreporting - how to!