Death Knight Eye Customization

I know a lot of people already asked for this and i know dk’s have blue eyes as a result of their transformation into undead servants of the Lich King, but at this point of game where we have lots of customization blizzard cant you just add new eye colors for dk’s, at least red and green?
I think all of at least a lot of dk’s main would love it its a win win situation, its not that hard to do it and would be a big change for us dk mains, you could just add it or even better do a quick and easy questline for us to get it.
Sorry to ask for this i know a lot of people already asked but we really want it :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t be sorry. Ask. Ask again. AND AGAIN.




But yeah I’ve made a few posts about new dk customisations in the past, they’ve probably all been closed by now… More decayed skin tones… Minion customisation, just like another class seems to be getting many from…

Bro if you have the glyph of foul menagerie, we literally summon vanilla skeletons… :skull: :scream:

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Yes please!

I stopped playing wow for some time and when i cam back , the first thing i noticed was the hatred towards Arthas.

It looks that the new team is very committed to destroy everything related to him which ofc includes the dk class…

So, I have little hope that there is a future for dk in wow… even less hope that they will do anything good for it or respond to players demands…

Suffer well! i guess :pensive:


Are you insinuating that blizzard doesn’t care about DKs?!

That they ruined their main villain…?

That… They don’t really play this class…?


collapses in a pool of zombie tears

I’m suffering well… I’m suffering too well…

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