Death Knight Names

I’d go with Igor.

A+B names. Where A and B are words that fit nicely together as well as fitting a theme you want the character to have, like tauren Blood+Hoof and Grim+Totem.

Stil better what happend with the DH. How many versions of Illidan can there be? Terrible.

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Deekay. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sneak in and takes notes… :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing suggestions!
I hope you’ll find a name that will suit your character.

It usually takes few hours for me to pick a new name and I know people who have to think about them for days!


How about the edgiest of edgy names: Timlangdell?

My 1st death knight character was made in RP realm and according death knight lore Dks forget their past. They take a new name if any. And while my death knights name was one thing while she was alive (she was made to look like dead variant of my character i re-rolled from so they in my little story one and the same!), she now is called after angel of death.

All my death knights now have variation of this one name (even this forum avatar), except my worgen, whom i named Calia. Yes, after THAT Calia.

The variations I use are actual transcriptions from Arabic in different languages. So they all spell almost same, when spoken loud.

Just call it anything, only make sure it has Blade or Death in it and lot of letters X

Hi, get one like me.


Tilt alert!

A good DK name cannot contain the Following: DK, dekay, death, plague, blood, frozen, frost, crocodile.


I am sure ‘anything’ is taken. :crazy_face:

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Literally 3 mins tops for me.
Just trying to slap smth around Ryu and its done :smirk::+1:t5:

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You could use my name but… sadly I have it trademarked. So you’d either have to pay me 10,000 gold every time you logged on or you’ll face the wrath of my lawyers.

And I have a VERY good lawyer.

Anything is better than Arthasdk

I have no idea why the forums logged me out and sneaked in my warlock alt Boethíah but there you go.

I raise you Årthäsgödx


Oh i remember him. He hated me… At least judging by the replies he gave me he did.

Oh! Oh! I have another one! Carrionkamping!


Nooooo! Stop this!