I raise you Årthäsgödx
Oh i remember him. He hated me… At least judging by the replies he gave me he did.
Oh! Oh! I have another one! Carrionkamping!
Nooooo! Stop this!
Ah, I was thinking about Carry on Camping! Haha
oh i’d get a ban if I put up my favorite clip from that lol…
Hm, seems I don’t have trust level 3 yet. I’ll just say; “Oooh Matron”

Just trying to slap smth around Ryu and its done
My monk got her name by me looking at film poster on the wall and me writing part of its tag line backwards.
So basically someone with a stutter saying deathdie?

But why crocodile?
Seems like there’s something foul going here!
get it haHa im turning into a boomer
Muha ha ha ha

I know people who have to think about them for days!
Not to mention when you finally settle and… that name is unavailable. Then it either starts all over again or you work out which is the least offensive accented vowel to substitute ¬_¬

Seems like there’s something foul going here!
Are you implying not all comments here are made with helpful intent, sire?

get it haHa im turning into a boomer
I think we are rping colonist era lobsters

Pennywise: Kiss me Deathboy
id call mine Kyron

Oh my… imagine having that name on your dps meter as top dps, that would be disappointing.
imaging having an illidan version of this masterpiece at the tops of the arena ladder hue hue


Are you implying not all comments here are made with helpful intent, sire?
Of course not my good sir
You make me want to set up Weak Auras with that name… I dunno why