Death knight voice effect gone

as the title says, this is a bug…or “feature” that has been an issue for quite some time now, i say “feature” because there used to be a button that said “enable DK voice” or something, that button is now gone but the voice seemed to stay, but not anymore.

many report having their DK voice removed, and they speak normally in emotes, or do not even play any sound of the emote at all when performed. many topics have been created over at the DK forum but no response and care, which is typical for the Dk class, if this issue where on rogue or mage blizz would act immideatly… or paladin if Savix and his ability to gather the paladin mafia to get loud enough to change things, DK’s has nothing.

but my deppressed self digress, as i have to post this here in hope of finally getting a response that the devs are aware, if not i’ll also post in general about it. or maybe i’ll get another 2 day forum ban for being a tad to spicy in my words about what i think about the state of the special treatment of classes in this game.


this has been an issue for more than 2 years now

Well, they can’t even be bothered to fix garrison monuments or Argent Tournament for evokers(broken since Dragonflight’s launch). Reporting bugs in this game is so pointless.

Bump, please fix this. The DK voice filter is such a great flavor for the class fantasy of being a hero champion of undeath.

I recently returned to retail with newfound love of WoW having played SoD. When I made a new DK (planned new main) and found out the voice effect was gone this newfound love and joy for the game is getting diminished.

It might seem overely dramatic but I’m getting reminded of why I stopped playing.

Is there any confirmation as to whether this is actually a bug or intended? I agree it really sucks that it’s gone.

There is no word from blizzard on this whatsoever. It is very strange to remove something from the game that is already an option to disable.

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