I have a Death Knight Character, specifically of the 2nd Generation. Through some RP events he was dragged into the Void through a portal and has been there for sometime now.
What I need to know is, I have come back to RPing after a period and I’m wondering if the Void would have the same effects on a 2nd Gen DK? As far as I’m aware they wouldn’t succumb to whispers because of their immunity (what allows them to wear Saronite) but perhaps I am perceiving this as wrong.
I would also like to know if it’d be possible to get into the Void to rescue him or if it’d be impossible until it spat him out?
When it comes to resisting the wishpers of the void the only thing you need is willpower.
The wishper will constantly be trying to drive you mad, Get you to submit to them.
Death knights under the lich king control are bound to the lich king will.
A will so powerful it bends thousents of wills effortlessly.
A death knight who broke free of the lich king is going to be very strong willed indeed.
And could very likely resist the wishpers.
Resque would require strong willed people.
The weak will break.
The strong will resist.
For a time.
The thing about the wishpers is not that there strong.
It is that they never stop.