Death Knights and New Races

It would be different, as the Orcs of Draenor-Outland and Alternate Draenor have their cultural differences because of some rather obvious historical alterations to either sides history. Plus, we don’t play as Draenor-Outland Orcs, we play as Alternate Draenor Orcs.

On top of all that, there would have still been no large numbers of Orcs from TBC coming over to then fuel the Scourges surplus for Death Knights. Mainly due to the low population anyway and the many that remained in Outland.

This is all without discussing the possibility that The Battle for Light’s Hope Chapel occured chronologically before the opening of the Dark Portal to Outland and the TBC expanion. This would be due to the fact that time is needed to fit in the extended fall of all regions of Lordaeron, the recovery of the Lich King after Light’s Hope, the setting up of the Scarlet Onslaught among other things.

They call you “guest” even after Talanji throws her lot in with the Horde. That’s a tiny discrepency. Please tell me you are not trying to stand your entire argument on this? It is a tiny game design overlook.

There will always be special cases for every class. There are a few Night Elf Paladins but they are not wide spread because the Night Elves do not naturally think the same way as Paladin capable races. Non-vanilla/TBC/Cata Race Death Knights are still rare, and the lack of class/race choice for Death Knights and Allied Races is enforced because of this rarity.

Not only that, but explain the problem of the Dark Iron Dwarves being hostile towards the Alliance back before they allied with them in BFA. A Dark Iron Death Knight would not have sided with the Alliance after Light’s Hope.

I just said at there would be no voice lines changes if you’d outland mag’har

And why should be they hostile to alliance player? In bolarus one is green to alliance players

There would be - their experiences are different. Jokes. Sayings. Etc.

You do know that the Dark Iron Dwarves only allied with the Alliance part way through BFA? They were hostile enemies up until then.

Gravewalker Gie (Pandaren DK garrison followers) say hi.

Worgen were only added as after thought as well, add entire new lore surrounding Arugal and his child to make it possible for Worgen DKs.

Zandalari were in Northrend documenting the Drakkri.

As a player of Worgen and Tauren, I feel your pain.

Thats one Pandaren. After Wrath of the Lich King and Battle for Lights Hope. He is also not a Player Character.

There were Worgen outside of Gilneas well before Cataclysm. And in great enough populations unlike the Pandaren, who at best had one or two wonderers and adventurers.

Not in large numbers. Plus, thats Northrend, not Lordaeron. Plus, how would you explain BFA if Zandalari DKs joined the Horde 4 or 5 expacs before?

Its the head, mainly. Actually, the “battle pose” (weapoms drawn and enemy targetted) for 2H Swords and Polearms is a bit annoying. DW is ok but still all far too low to the ground imho. I did have one idea that combined most of the Nighthold normal DK set with some of the ToS LFR shoulders, hands and head. It didnt look too bad.

Ive sadly race changed to Night Elf as I had more flexibility with ideas there!

Traitor… /hiss

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I am still an Orc on my DK Main! Might potentially move back to Tauren on him if I dont find a better Tauren Class - Maybe Druid?

Void elves exist, who in lore are only a handful of elves, yet we see thousands running around.
Blizz opened Pandora’s box with population sizes.

Zandalari DKs would have returned to home and revered Bwonsamdi as their closest link, only becoming playable at the same time as the others.

Blizzard did, especially on a subject around High Elves, but the thing with Void Elves is that their population is unknown. Taking from both High Elf and Blood Elf populations before the weird void event that changed them, their little pocket hide away in the Twisting Nether could have facilitated more than they let on about.

Again, no Zandalari in the Eastern Kingdoms theatre of War. Very few Scourge Zandalari at all, with any being minor minions or having their corpses removed from the field before they could be used.

Plus, the Zandalari are supposed to be elusive - even as the Scourge a lot of secrets would have been dropped that would be revealed later in BFA.

There is no better Tauren class. Just look at me.

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Then call them prelates, give them their own spells and leave the Light’s lore alone.
Troll paladins…

As many people have already said, the reason why DK’s are not gaining more races is because it doesn’t fit with the lore. Becoming a DK happened at a specific point in time (WotLK) to said races at that specific point in time. It doesn’t make sense from a lore perspective to allow ‘future’ races to become DK’s.

I can appreciate Blizzard often sacrifice some small lore-based elements for gameplay, but in this instance it’s a little too important to disregard for the sake of gameplay.

Also, don’t bash the OP too much, he was only asking a question. A geniune question he wanted an answer for.

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prelates, vindicators, sunwalkers, bloodknights and paladins

the only paladins are dwarf/human races, the rest have their own version of holy warriors that weild the light
they are all joint together in the same sack purely for gameplay reasons

Having more races for DKs is very plausible. So long as the races have been around as long as the Scourge has existed in any occupied areas, it’s not an issue. Even during the time when Ner’zhul was still just a spirit. There was that one tauren DK who was raised long ago, before Arthas was even chosen, but he still later joined the Scourge and in Legion he was in the DK order hall.
We can still use the time period in the lore when the player DK comes into play for other races, not all obviously, but it would still make sense regardless.

Well actually, during a quest in zuldazar when reading one of the notes Zuls followers had inscribed on the wall it says that zul himself went to nothrend and saw the dragon corpses, it doesn’t say when he did exactly but I doubt he went alone so there could have been something like his men got attacked and became the first zandalari death knights or something like that anyways

Still missing the whole special circumstance that was the Battle of Light’s Hope. That was the reason the Knights of Acherus were able to break free from the Lich King.

To have allied races as Death Knights would require them to be present during that battle. Which would then bring in the question - why are we meeting them in MoP, Legion or BFA when we’ve seemingly already met them on the fields of the Scarlet Enclave?

The Zandalari are actually present in Northrend during the WotLK campaign assisting the Frost Trolls of Zuldrak. Problem is, they are not there in major numbers. Nor where they in the Eastern Plaguelands at the time of the Battle of Light’s Hope Chapel.

The Battle of Light’s Hope Chapel is what made playable Death Knights. There is a difference between playable Death Knights and NPC Death Knights.

How is that an issue? It can all be applied to allied races. At the beginning of the event you are just a freshly raised corpse serving the LK. So long as the corpse, namely you, were present anywhere on Azeroth prior to that event, you can be a DK.

Completely irrelevant in this matter. DKs aren’t a part of their race/culture anymore.

So the point still stands, you only need to have like couple members of any race on Azeroth, or Northrend prior to the DK starting event, and it’s set. After all, playable worgen DKs are not former Arugal’s servants, it’s just made up to justify the lore, they are Gilneans, as you find out while questing. Worgen DKs were never an issue, nor would any other races, so long as they were present.

You are a freshly raised corpse from the surrounding area. The Scourge don’t have unholy refrigerators in the necropolises. They have no need for them - they take the corpses of the Horde, Alliance, Worgen and Goblin communities where Acherus was present.

Acherus never went to the Broken Shore before Legion, so where would they get the HM Tauren or Nightborne corpses? Kul Tirans were equally isolated with Kul Tiras being bypassed by the Scourge. Void Elves didn’t even exist back then, same with the Mag’har Orcs of Alternate Draenor as the timeline had not be split until 3 expansions later. Lightforged Draenei were on the other side of the cosmos.

Even the Dark Iron Dwarves just never ventured North into Lordaeron to fight the Scourge but instead just wallowed deep in their underground strongholds. Zandalari are the only race to ever face the Scourge and even then never in great numbers. One or two ZT corpses does not create an entire playerbase of playable Death Knights. Same with Pandaren - one or two travellers does not give enough corpses for playable Death Knights.

To cap this all off -again, non of these allied races were present in Lordaeron during the events of Light’s Hope Chapel. Do you understand this?

Uh, they still came from those cultures. Ignoring MG Orcs, Void Elves and LF Draenei for obvious reasons, explain how we wouldn’t know about Pandaria before MoP or the Timeless Isles before Legion or the location of Kul Tiras and Zandalar before BFA if we already met people from these places back before WotLK?

That’s if they stuck around. Why would they stick around? The allied races and Pandaren don’t join the Horde or Alliance until later, so why would these individuals join now? If they buggered off to their own homes, again, why the silence for so many expansions afterward? Why have these races not risen to further power with the addition of such powerful beings?

They’d have to come into contact with the Scourge. Not just be on Azeroth.

Worgen used as Death Knights came from outside of the Gilnean wall. Still Gilneans but they were the victim communities that would end up infecting Gilneas proper in the cataclysm.

Trag Highmoutain was a Death Knight in the lore, so it possible others travelled about and were caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time

any zandalar or dark iron that would step foot in ogrimar or stormwind would be killed on sight as they were “enemies” of the main factions, now imagine being a DK

only in cata did the zandalar tried to join the other races of trolls to join them to fight horde/alliance because the sundering made half of their land start to sink and the darkspear told them to fk off and die

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