Death Knights, how do you find roleplay and roleplay outside of specific Death Knight guilds or hubs?

That is the key word.

Well it was speculation until the Dark Ranger quote.

It’s still speculation that it goes for all undead.

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We don’t know - yet. Perhaps it is for a certain type of undead. For those who messed with undeath and such. Who knows.

I made my DK a bully who just insults people badly. Basically an internet troll spouting teen angst at anyone as a relief :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :droplet: . Also has a jar of spiders and a magnifying glass.

Tbh I’d like to meet the Onslaught boys and girls out in the open sometimes on my DK, been too long since I met other good DK’s :frowning:


Yes, come say hi.

I think what race you choose can have a distinguishable effect on how you engage in roleplay, playing a Forsaken Death Knight is very different to roleplaying a Tauren Death Knight for example.

As for finding roleplay it depends what you’re after, the few guilds I’ve been a part of on my Death Knights typically have a Military/War focus, given that murdering is what we’re best at. You’ll probably have more luck with Death Knights in typical military guilds on the Horde side, but that’s just my personal experience as Alliance don’t really accommodate for the integration in their typical military guilds (purely anecdotal, this may not be the case).

Really all you can do is put yourself out there, naturally I’d advise against hanging around in Cath Square. I’ve had some really cool encounters out in the world on my own and with groups of other DKs. The world’s your oyster really.

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You’re the level 58 DK from Nixxiom machinimas?

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Damn right I am.

I have to ask 3 questions about this:

  1. Do death knight generations not exist? Are they just headcanon? I mean, I always thought the first generation were the warlocks raised by Gul’dan in stormwind soldier bodies. And the new Death Knights we play are completely different, because they were raised by the Lich King.
    I get my lore from wow.gamepedia and wowwiki.

Please tell me if I am wrong.

  1. The ‘new’ death knights are risen by the Death Lord. Are they as powerful as the Knights of Acherus? The knights who were raised by the Lich King?


  1. How does one go about raising a Death Knight. I am just asking for a friend.

Please advise. I think there is a lot of headcanon out there that players fall into and believe when others tell them it is lore. I think these answers might be useful to others who are new to DK RP too.


I’m under the belief that generations aren’t really ‘mentioned’ anywhere, and while death knight types may exist throughout gaps of years, the word ‘generation’ isn’t allocated to the type of death knight raised in a time period.


Correct. The word “generation” has for DKs simply been coined by the community to discern the types more easily.


The term ‘generation’ is a headcanon.
Of course, there are ‘generations’, in a sense. You just don’t say: “Hey I am a third-generation”, no. Of course - the first generation is, as you said, the members of the Shadow Council’s souls placed within the bodies of the Knights of Arathor. The second, the ‘Arthas’ archetype - the third the Acherus archetype. Used as a sort of shock-trooper and keeping the same ideal of the first generation - their very presence.

Can you imagine, seeing your former combat instructor, inspiring Knight, stalwart being suddenly an undead and remorseless killing machine that you have to put down?

As the two above me said:

The Deathlord himself raised the Four - and a Horseman is -far- stronger than your regular Death Knight. After all, they are raised to be the top of the top, la creme de la creme.


The Four Horsemen were no ordinary death knights, they were born of pure, unholy power gifted from the Lich King to Kel’thuzad.
This unholy power to raise the dead has now been passed to you, Deathlord. I am sure you will wield it with great conviction.

From the quest “Return of the Four Horsemen”

The Lich King doesn’t always make the Knights himself as you see in the starting zone, which is Acherus. You see an actual Necromancer doing all the work. Some are ‘accepting’ this new state, some are simply discarded. Or used to ‘feed’ an initiate (the introduction to the Eternal/Endless Hunger).

Some Val’kyr too may create Death Knights. I might be wrong - but their power is quite incredible.

The Deathlord doesn’t raise any of those new Knights himself, quite the contrary. Korgaz Deadaxe is the one taking care of this part within the Brotherhood, during the war against the Legion. As the quest says itself: " Korgaz Deadaxe has arrived at Acherus to aid us in recruiting additional death knights. He has an eye for potential." from wow.gamepadia itself.

That’s a bit more complicated. Death Knights are ‘superior’ type of undead. They’re sort of elites. They’re no simple creation. Of course, a powerful necromancer (Watch out, when I say powerful… it depends) to raise it. Then, it must follow the path of an initiate as any Knight. Learn to be what they are. Their newfound power, strength just like their condition.

I hope this helps!
Edit: Added a quote.


the term is entirely headcanon

only the 4 Horsemen were risen by the Deathlord, through the power of the Lich King

have a group of necromancers stop someone from being dead in a very hefty fashion


That was actually very helpful.
Thank you.


Other than the answers given above it’s worth pointing out that cursed items, like Frostmourne, may turn you into a DK over time.

As I have explained - it is the case of the ‘second generation’.
Frostmourne was unique and different. Arthas was not really an ‘undead’ per se. He was somewhat stuck between alive and undead due to the nature of the blade that ‘devoured’ his soul.

Quite the complicated thing, really.

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I missed your post then, my bad. But Arthas is 100% an undead to my knowledge.

During the novel Rise of the Lich King he has never been portrayed to have been killed; there was one instance where he was almost killed. But he didn’t actually die.