So I am currently thinking of making a new character for roleplay and I’m bouncing around a few ideas.
One of the classes I really like in terms of fantasy is the Death Knight. I have always loved necromancers and undead, I like the whole semi-vampiric aspect to Blood DKs, I love the moral ambiguity of the Ebon Blade and their methods, and generally just think they are pretty fun.
What I am bumping up against in trying to write a DK character up is that I always want to make sure that my characters have weaknesses, flaws and room to grow.
Death Knights by their very nature are… well, dead heroes. Playing a DK does not give a lot of room to make bright-eyed rookies, or even less-experienced soldiers. They don’t have a lot of natural weaknesses given the fact that they’re undead and packed with unique magic. And your ability to form emotional, friendship or romantic bonds with other characters is naturally limited.
My question: How have others handled character flaws and growth on their death knights, and how would you suggest someone new to the class go about roleplaying it?