Hello. I am about to type some well known issues with Frost Death Knight’s specifically. Some of those also apply to the other two specs.
After seeing Retribution Paladin’s getting a rework due to them being unable to perform at their highest potential because of having to stand in consecration in a game that evolved, I was so happy cause I thought it meant that my spec would get the same treatment.
Surprise surprise, I was wrong. After looking at the newest WoWhead posts. I saw that Rune of Power is being removed due to how toxic it is to play around a certain area. And I thought to myself ‘wait a second, that’s the same problem Death Knights have with Death and Decay’. Needless to say I’m beyond disappointed with how you prioritize something that gives damage to a class, over something that enables your cleave.
And now to the problems
Why is Cleaving Strikes a thing? Why do I have to press Obliterate in every scenario when I have Frostscythe, an ability MADE for AoE, that used to do AoE and has been dead ever since Battle for Azeroth. Will you do something about it? If not just remove it and give me another AoE oriented talent.
Death and Decay. In what world, will Death and Decay work, on a 30 seconds cooldown when you have to play a pack with: Frontals/Ground Effects/Sanguine/Spiteful/Storming. How is that a fun and engaging playstyle when I am CONSTANTLY forced out of the small space I have to stand in to be able to cleave. Not to do increased damage but to actually cleave, because without that, Frost DK cannot cleave.
Breath of Sindragosa. I truly really like the design of the spell but it is so outdated. Outdated in a sense where, it needs RnG to perform at its best, you need RnG for procs, and you need RnG for mechanics. It shouldn’t feel so terrible when your cooldown is over. Right now if you drop Breath, because of something that’s out of YOUR control, you do nothing. Zero damage. You cannot compete with any classes. And this is an issue with every DK spec and build. We do not have ANY damage outside of cooldowns. It does not feel great.
There’s so many more things to say, but I understand that reworking a spec takes a lot of time and it’s possibly not happening mid expansion. The feedback above is what needs to be changed as soon as possible so not everyone abandons this spec. The one word I’d use to describe Death Knights, Frost specifically but other specs too, is that we are just outdated. Stuck in WOTLK when every other spec evolves.