Death Pact

Why does Death Pact have a negative side effect…? I dont see this effect on other melee classes :slight_smile: Oh yeah class fantasy, let’s balance game with that in mind


Yeah, it is pretty underwhelming. No one plays it tbh, as it is pretty much a death sentence. Combine a MS effect with dampening and the healing absorb exceeds the initial healing. If you want some quick on demand healing, you can play sacrificial ghoul, but be careful with it as Unholy.

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I think death pact should have no penalty but give 35% instead of 50% health back with a 10% absorbe shield. I think this is a way to fix it.

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I actually use it in PvP combined with Sacrificial Ghoul. It’s good when you need a fast panic heal to get yourself out of execute range or your healer is CC:ed.

True it is a good oh crap I’m about to die moment, but the healing absorbe and Ms are making hard to recover. But I definitely also use it, just some quality changes would be nice, and one more thing WHO spends a talent point for control undead in DK talent tree that thing is useless.

The design of Death Pact is very outdated, since the heal absorb was a nerf given to it because DK’s was one of the few classes that had a instant cast, 50% heal. However nowdays some classes have something similiar, while others even have better ones. Better “balance” would to get rid of the heal absorb, but reduce the healing to 40%.

Funny thing is the heal absorb was also to balance with Death Strike, which was overnerfed in DF.


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