[quote=“Lxser-draenor, post:2, topic:114829, full:true”]
Moonguard on US, goldshire there is very alive
[/quote] logical answer a US server on EU forums…
I only used Goldshire as a refference tool…
No as an indication of my personal interests
You don’t think paying for a transfer for all your characters is fair, that’s what you meant?
I just want to make sure if I understood what you wrote.
I fear that there’s any special treatment for dead realms, you pay the full price of the transfer.
As for RP realms, Argent Dawn has a pretty active community you can visit the forum section and see for yourself.
Idd, Ion himself said that he would go to the server guys the very week after Blizzcon to see what they could do.
However, I think they are still making too much green on people migrating from dead servers to do anything else than minor tweaks here and there that doesen’t really help much anyway, so I’m not holding my breath…