Death Strike

Please give back some love to Death Strike, if you have to nerf something it’s spellwarden, Death Strike has become a senseless skill and using it will just make you go down with your dps without getting anything back.
The healing amount is too low, Death strike is a key skill of DK and this situation is really ruining the class.
DK were always a sort of hybrid Tank/Dps, actually we have the worst self-healing in game, even rogues can outheal us.

PS: I speak about DPS specs (Tank spec healing is good)


We don’t need other nerfs. It seems we will play around it. And broken evoker heal us haha

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I think OP has a point, you are more or less forced in SW. I would rather they buff DS quite a bit and nerf SW. It is however true that we are able to play around the nerfs.

Death Strike nerfs has to be reverted completely, even the nerfs from BfA to it but they have to change it a bit so that the damage taken in the last 5 seconds should not increase our healing. If you ask me, Spellwarden should not be in the game at all.


Death Strike from first patch of cataclysm should be brought back imo. 2 runes 15% hp min and gg. This 30k heal (without dampen or ms) that spends resources and doesnt heal when is dodged or whatever is sad and wrong. Revert the nerf completely or change it meaningfully im being outhealed by a rog and mage for crying out loud……

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