Deathblow X11 Goggles - no stealth detect in Wrath?

Did they get nerfed to not detect stealth anymore?
If so, is there any replacement or what?


As far as I know, these haven’t been disabled in WotLKC arenas (yet) so they’re the option you have.

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Aw, so they have nerfed the Deathblow ones?
Anyways, thanks for the quick reply and suggestion.

EDIT: Kinda feel like I wasted my gold on Engineering now, lol.

WotLK engineering is more about the glove, back and boot enchants than it is stealth detection anyway.

I had to look it up but it sadly appears hyper vision was disabled too, so it’s really just the pyro rocket on your gloves at this point.

For arenas that is. Pyro rocket is very very good though.

All the other fun stuff is still available in more fun game modes too :wink:

True. I’ll guess I’ll just find joy in the jumper cables then :slight_smile:

Gnomish army knives for the people! :smiley:

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