Death's Deliverance

Death’s Deliverance

Will these DK transmogs ever come back into the game or gone forever for anyone who missed them?


Technicly speaking it’s always possible they might come back but I wouldn’t count on it. There’s always a chance but it’s small so you’re better off with assuming you can’t have it. Current stand of Blizzard on the subject is that they are no longer obtainable and you just have to accept it.

I’ll echo the reply that Cedrac has given here, never say never, however rewards like these can be usually obtained when the content that offers it is current - similar to Challenge Mode Dungeon transmog sets from Mists of Pandaria and the Challenge mode Gold rewards from Warlords of Draenor.

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Crosses fingers for CM stuff to come back one day

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Oh well wish they would bring everything back even if it takes a lot of time or effort to achieve it. Cheers for the info.

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