Deathstalker hero talents tree

Deathstalker talent tree does not work, and it’s already a meme in places like class discord.

Obviously, most of the rogue community expected rework, some more connection of talents to the main gameplay loop of the class, so
as soon as I’ve seen the headline of the Wowhead news about the current beta build of Deathstalker talent tree, the curtain dropped.

Like really? Tuning?
It’s a bit embarrasing, to say the least. The talent tree works for you and against you at the same time, works against main specs on multiple levels, has annoying old reused talents which NOBODY EVER liked (eg. lingering darkness which was hated by the whole rogue community each time it was introduced, so I don’t know how much more feedback do you need to realize it’s not really bringing value).

Lack of connection to the main gameplay loop that most of the other hero talents in this tree have is another huge issue.

This hero talent tree needed rework, not some sad number tuning.
Lack of vision on rogues, even though they’re one of the most used class fantasies in games, board games, movies, tv shows and so on, is beyond me.
Shame, by far my favourite class, and my main for a long time now, but this lack of ideas is just getting too tiresome.

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