Jag mår bra! Extremt nostalgisk och taggad. Har ett ganska fullt schema men jag ska nog kunna pressa in lite classic!
Hur är det själv?
P.S någon har namelockat Navarro så det får bli Navarrone tills jag har köpt loss Navarro
Hey man long time no see! What realm will you be on?
Ringen - Gnome Rogue
The Epic Legends
The Claw
Me, Katana, Vandread, Mavado and Roggelite are going to play on
Golemagg (Alliance)
hopefully we’ll run into each other
Cool beans. All good here, where will you play?
I remember you, for sure.
Name: Roberta (if i remember correct changed a lot) Mage
Guild: Gods of War, Club, (brief stay at Guardians of Deathwing, but to short to mention)
Will be playing on one of the PvP servers. Firemaw by the looks of it. Snøfte Tauren Warrior this time. So converted.
Lots of know names in your list. Could add Palari, Nomura, Mauredsous, Cerb, Luthien, Moiraine, Nordboer, Mandylion and a hole lot more i don’t remember the name of now
Hey! I totally forgot everything about the site, but my brother(XPuppypower) told me i did what you said Haven’t got any response from any old TBR’s besides Lilluth/Damarus
Of course i remember you man! I still got your bro on Battle (dot) net I believe you actually had your own Alliance rogue called Rathiel as well. Good times my dude.
Awesome dude you remember better than I do… yeah I had an alliance rogue haha! Your bro too xpuppy the female dwarf pala xD damn thats crazy… glad to know you’re still playing man
Character: Linalle - human female mage
Guild: Sound of Silence, RusLegion
Sonny, Ellana, Bit.
Starting Classic on RU-PVE-Хроми
Было бы здорово снова с кем-то из вас снова встретиться!
Пишите мне: ник в игре - Лаонде (с классом пока не определился ))
Играю вечерами после 21:00 (22:00 по Москве)
• Pikkupummi, gnome mage
• Anvil of Crom
Nice to see everyone
Wtf Kypris lad
Hugging the mailbox in orgrimmar now
Frown here.
Apparently I can’t post from my priest right now. Probably because I migrated it.
You wonderful sausage, you.
I think you made me my first 16 slot bag for free! If you were a tailor that is!
I was indeed a tailor on my priest.
Can’t comment on whether I gave anything for free, though
So many different players I remember now…
<- Spaw, NE Rogue
The Claw
Frown, HU Priest
Guardians of Deathwing / Cliché
People I remember the most that I don’t see here:
Loolita (UD Lock) / Jhorxia (UD mage)
Dilir (UD mage)
The high ranked Tauren PVP Shaman - can’t remember his name, but I kept dueling him and losing whenever I ran into him on the way to raids etc.
Samasuke (Human Mage)
Some shadowpriest from TBC in Guardians of Deathwing. His name had something with a Z I think.
Can’t remember the name, but had some proper fun in SSC both with MCing duty on trash and nuking The Lurker Below.
I’m sure there’s plenty of people I liked that I’ve forgotten.
If you’re reading this and feel like I left you out, blame yourself for not keeping in touch.
Remember you aswell buddy hope I see you on Golemagg
Artemhs, alliance hunter, was in guilds Sensibility, Nocturnal and Exiled i think,