Deathwing (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

Name: Malfoy

Class: Paladin

Race: Human

Guild: The Black Ravens / The Blood Ravens / Exorcism / Nocturnal / Exiled

GM Exorcism --> Xsara :slight_smile:
GM Blood/Black Ravens --> Chaosraven

People I played with…


…to name but a few.

If you played with me just reply. Would love to catch up with any of you! :smile:

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Name: Tankoviec
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Club

Remember almost everyone from Vanilla till Wotlk.
Good old times. Hell gonna play, maybe we will see in game soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Will you be playing as Ringen?

Yes Im going to play Rogue again, just /w me in game mate :+1:t2:

Name: Bethect (Tyrish starting on TBC)
Class: Paladin
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Anvil of Crom <3

Where are the old AoC players going to play? Also anyone know if Salerna is planning to come back?

AoC has decided to play on Mograine-PvP, Alliance side of course :slight_smile:

Hey we raided together :smiley: Erason here

ah the old raidgroup! i wish there was an easier way to look them up.

Hey dude remember fladder?

Shift yer big arris then so i can get my mail !!

Hey Mate,

Ziggyxx/Druidje (Changed name to Jinxed later on) here!
Ziggyxx (Dwarf Warrior) worst off-tank EU and Druidje (Druid).

Probably not going to play Classic but it’s fun to see some of the old guildies and mates passing by!!

Hope everyone is doing well :slight_smile:

Change of plans, gonna play on Dreadmist server duo to the waiting time mate

In MC meleeing with us in Horizons " im a battlemage!!!"

But did you say Diehard and Frog also are no longer with us? dang … :cry:

Hello ppl,

Qor (former NE rogue Aegis) here, from Club…
Nice to come across familiar names :slight_smile:

Hello there Tökk, Zeuzz, Mullock, Mahone, AfrEkz, Sandie, Roberta, Tankoviec, Jacinta, TBOM members, my first guild The Black Ravens (hail Rathenau! ) and all the others from good old Deathwing :slight_smile:

I’m on Noggenfogger alliance with some friends from Club…
Hanging out very casually so far :wink:

Take care and hope to see at least some of you at some point…


So many old faces here, Lash/Mondang/Nami

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Jacinta!! Are you playing classic?

Heeey Frown, what’s your battletag? :slight_smile:

I was Arthen close friend of Temperious . We are both looking at this thread as i am writing this post .

Yep Nethergarde Keep Server - Jacinta - Warlock - Who’d have guessed that right :slight_smile:

Bloodyhell Temp lol you legend :slight_smile: