Deathwing (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

• Zhein Night Elf Rogue.
• The gods of war
• Just want to say hi to a community I’ve spent years with. Hoping you’re all doing well.

Name: Gladius
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: Anvil of Crom

Good to see so many familiar names in here!

Holy Paladin

Started out on Deathwing where I grew strong. Took our first steps with The Brotherhood of Might into Onyxia, MC and BWL. Malak as leader and main tank.
I was main healer together with Luukje I think later on, who became our class leader.

Later I moved to Talnivar, because of the lag :frowning:

On Talnivar I took up my role as main healer again with the guild ‘AIR’, which had Reeco (Rogue) as Guild leader.

Good times… great memories

Holy Priest
Old guild: The Noble Europeans

Started on Deathwing and was raiding like a madman. Somewhere in the end of 2005 we moved to Tarren Mill.

Now i’m in ''Grumpy Old Men" at realm Gandeling (Horde), a pretty much the same guild as The Noble Europeans.

Yes, I was that annoying Tier 3 shoulder priest that was a bit to proud of his shoulders.

Yeah, NE warrior?:smiley: was nice smashing 5v5 arenas in TBC with ya :smiley:

Name: Zaladar (Gnome Mage) / Zuladar (Dwarf Paladin)
Guild: Guardians of Deathwing / The Claw

Really warms my heart to see familiar names here :slight_smile:

I have been playing for classic for a bit, but due to a long holiday I got behind and came back in the middle of the PVP.
I luv to make some account on dif servers just to get in contact with some people and just chat.
Currently I am still playing retail as The Brothehood of Might on Magtheridon, reforming for shadowlands.
Also do not hesitate to add me to battletag Tostie#2772

Name: Zweeties/Dimeter
Class: Priest/Warlock
Race: Nightelf/Human
Guild: so many, but still: The Lightning League is in my heart. For a time Malak was my guildmaster too. Just got back after a 10 year stop. Just for the fun of it.
And at one point Dimeter was married to Jacinta, what a party that was.

I saw Sindrock, Arthen, Jac, Malak and some others here. Some others i never played with but saw them often, mostly drooling at their gear. Many things changed, not all for the better i think. But enjoying playing again (And bugging Jac, like the good old days) missing my favorite drood Fordy in game. And wondering if Nadrog still plays.

Hi Frown, Borhmus here. Are you still playing?