Deathwing (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Added you yesterday (cazt0r#xxxx), the people I play with had already rolled on Flamelash. Probably less queues than some others but still queues :unamused:

Does mograine still have insane queues?

Didnt get a request? :confused:

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I don’t know, I went to Ashbringer realm and there’s no queue there. I will level there see what’s up there and maybe if it’s dead and boring transfer to a populated realm.

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Think its cazt0r#2370 but not sure about the numbers. You can try to add me, maybe that works better.


Hey, just word of the newest on Morgraine.

Sadhu has recreated souls of darkness again.
If you are oldschool DW’inger or use to be in SoD,
then write me here or contact me ingame on Dreamcatcher,
Sadhu, Zotha or Lazetos. See you around!

And, what did you figure out Milkman? <3

come Morgraine to the old SoD guild, Sadhu is back in charge.

I know queues sucks big time, but hopefully it will get better in
some days!

did you get onto Morgraine? SoD is alive again with Sadhu and Beefsauce. You are needed. :wink:

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All the irl friends that forced me back rolled on gandlin… So unless there will be a character transfer I will have a hard time convincing them on another server. I would love to play with sadhu and you guys again. Remember me and Sadhu running long nights with 2 man stratholme.

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Yeah he talked about that too. We had a long talk today in the SoD, there are many old schools whom you of course would know.

Gandlin, alrighty. I hope somehow there will be transfers. And please convince them, if this option opens up :wink: But friends before anything else, I also play by this code too.

So long Milkman.

Who knows what the future will bring. Many of them might quit due to hype. Maybe I will join you guys later😎 best of luck!


Yo Neuro! \o/
U planning on returning for some Classic fun?

<- Thorum - Tauren Warrior
So many scrubs here that deserve to be beaten in a duel!
Any of you playing on Ashbringer?


Yep. Started a char on Ashbringer as that was the only server without massive queues when I wanted to play. Playing pretty casually for now. Where did you end up?

Guess I should introduce myself as well…

Jinxd (Vriznak before switching server), Undead Rogue
Made it to General rank in Suicide Squad (damn that stuff was exhausting), before joining SoD/Parallell Evolution (?) for some late game PvE experience. I think that was about then we decided to switch over to Tarren Mill? I later came back to Deathwing, and joined up with Suicide Squad again, who had made some nice progress even in PvE terms since I left them.

I won’t mention any specific names (none mentioned, none forgotten), but I recall endless hours in AB, WSG, dueling outside Orgrimmar and stealthy ganking missions to Alliance dominated areas with fellow Suicide Squad members. If any of you are on Ashbringer, be sure to call out :slight_smile:


Damn Thorum you old tw@t, been ages man.

Stop slacking around on Ashbringer and join the real
deal in Souls of Darkness on Morgraine.

Played a tauren shaman named Ministy, raided mainly in Mist and Dark Guard. See lots of familiar names here. Hope you all have fun in Classic!

Hey man. There is SoD on Morgaine now. :slight_smile:

Yeah, feel free to come and join our ranks as Blaad says. Morgraine is the only true server for old school deathwing reunion. :wink:

Let me know when you get tired of the queues and want to reroll on Ashbringer (nearly queueless) :smiley: