Oh hey, what up Kulzur!
Hey Rap! Yeah, alliance now on Mograine. Full expecting to get killed by all the Deathwingers who have rolled horde there.
Hey there, its Vanity orc shaman here! Deathwing was my 1st server. We started the guild Century with other russian guys but I rerolled to Haumarash at the end of august 2005. Wonder if anyone of the old folks are playing WoW Classic and where.
Old pic. from our 1st raid to mention ppl we played with:
h ttps://imgur.com/a/1yvml48
Keoz topping the dps meter, to be expected from that dude.
Many names from that pictures I truly had forgotten. Nice you kept
it for all those years Endless. I was like 8 months in century or so.
i started on Stonepine, horde. no hunter this time, atleast from start
oh, forgot the introduction: Raptorus, old greybearded hunter. in vanilla i was part of The Old Grudge raiding roster. Since TBC i raided mostly with Dark guard or some minor guilds with old friends.
Any old The Old Grudge/Dark guard veterans out there with no company to play, join Stonespine horde
Awesome nostalgia thread!
Elendi, orc warrior here, used to be in PDX, Precious and LAW.
Used to play with Cadlaug, Thezoink, Ragingbull and Huntorian.
Still playing with Sqûig and some more friends at Firemaw, horde
Sqûig is alive and kickin on Firemaw! Everything is still kill on sight and im still a male orc rogue! where are you playing? i remember you !
Hey Gus. Glad to see you alive. Same goes for all of you. Quiet a few names ring a bell.
Huminator - Die Trying
I remember you very well, we ork rogues must stick together!
Howdy old friend. Hows life as a dad treating you.
So many legendary names! i remember allmost all of them! Squig is alive and kickin ally buttox on Firemaw! Still an orc rogue and everything is still kill on sight!
A little hallo to all the old friends and enemies from 15 year ago. Its amazing to see your names pop up once again. It was a time which brought alot of good memories. I hope Classis WoW will bring you the exact same feelings as it did back then. As for myself i still haven’t decided if i want to play it again. I will struggle to find the time for it. But lets see what happens.
we all quit Morgand joined Zal Tribe. sorry the queues were just too much for us all.
Woop woop, hey there!
It’s nice to see some old faces around here. There’s still loads of nice memories I’ve got from those times. Some of the old Suicide Squad-Roster played BfA together, as far as I know. I don’t know if any of them is still playing though. Anyway: have some fun, no matter what realm you’re playing on nowadays! If any of you will ever have a char on ten storms gimme a whisper.
Hey, life is treating me very well. I just bought a house(that is going to take a lot of my time the next 3-6 months), quit my old job and got a new one one month ago and I am currently on vacation for a week on Rhodos.
How are you Humi? Been a long time! Im planning to play on Gandling but life is taking its fair share of time atm so I assume I wont be joining actively before 3-6 months when my new house is set up the way we want it.
Hello Holy!
Xindra here! Great to see you! I might play some but i dont know what server, i guess everyone is scattered at the moment?
Hey K****r!
Xindra here long time no see! what server you holding up on the classic server?
Awesome to see some familiar names in here!
I played as Ghoum, troll rogue, exclusively in Suicide Squad through vanilla and TBC. I was pretty low-key 15 yrs ago, so I’ll not be suprised if I’m not well remembered.
Anyhow, I’m currently playing as Ghaar on Ashbringer!
Nimen hao!
Pdarkxnoemi / Noemiownzyou reporting in!
Played on Deathwing since Vanilla until Wotlk, then a bit during Cataclysm and WoD in guilds and
So after sorting out my account and connection issues I am able to play again and have been kind of busy re-uniting as many old school Deathwing raiders on Mograine-EU.
So far I’ve mainly been contacting former PDx people and we have managed to get a group of around 15-20 people already.
If you want to be part of an experienced raiding group feel free to get in touch and join us!
Sadhu has remade Souls of Darkness and started gathering former members there and I remade Perfect Dark x (on my rogue) and started gathering members there too.
So far some of the people we have on Mograine EU are:
Happyhooves / Moonie,
… (many more)
and expecting a few latecomers to the party like:
… (many more)