"December 1st" except, no

Still on patch 1.13.5.

So the claim atop this forum was false or someones copy pasta failed to comprehend that EU gets everything 1 day after US? Well in reality we’ll probably get it after the maintenance, december 2nd…?

Imagine if the information given by Blizzard was actually correct/true.

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will go live the week of DECEMBER 1.

the week of

Reading is hard, right?

It’s just someone assuming they read something in a certain way.

You are right, reading is hard:

The last EU announcement says the patch will be released on the 1st. The OP’s point stands.

No, it’s just someone actually referring to the most recent update from Blizzard on the EU forums.

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Dec 1 in US = Dec whatever on the continent we don’t give a damn about.

It’s a shame they didn’t bother to communicate actual EU time of 1.13.6 release. My guess is when the servers reset.

It did say literally “on december the 1st” as it was a straight copy from the US message board atop our general board. Now the message is gone, surprise! -.-

I did read and read correctly. Wouldn’t complain otherwise if the info was correctly displayed and comprehendable if read properly!

Boo! BOO! riots

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Then that means Blizzard dun goofed (again) and gave us details of the US release.

In theory, our patch should be activating with today’s maintinence, and the scourge invasion + Naxx will start on Thursday.

…I don’t know why they’ve decided on a Thursday instead of the usual Wednesday.

Edit: My Classic version now says 1.13.6. The “patch notes” however still say 1.13.5.

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