<Decerto> is recruiting more members

Decerto is looking for more members to fill its roster. We’re a newly formed raiding guild aspiring to leave content on farm. Our leadership is held together by former hardcore raiders who have switched to Classic for a more relaxed and enjoyable pace, trying to make new bonds of friendship and going through content together.

Currently we’re looking for:

1 Resto Shaman / Resto Druid

1 Feral druid with OT-Spec
1 Warlock
2 Unholy DKs
1 Shadow Priest

We are currently in no need of Paladins. If your class isn’t listed don’t hesitate to reach out eitherway. Maybe we can make a spot. Thanks!

You can message me on Blizzlawsuit, or the other officers in the guild:
Eilna, Urewiel, Sheparrd or Somin

If you’re after structured raid, with aims to clear and enjoy the game for what it is. Take the chance and join us, we’re friendly and inclusive. The raid leaders are previous Celestial Defenders, Deaths Demise, therefor you’ll be in good hands in terms of mechanics and tactics on bosses.

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