Dedicated Holy Priest LF Semi-Hardcore Late Night/weekend Raiding Guild

Hello there ladies and gents,

I won’t spend much time describing myself; I have been playing WoW since the end of TBC, having a few Cutting Edge achievements under my belt (With my Paladin, but since the Glimmer gimmick is not to my liking, i opted for a change). I’m dedicated to the healing role, since I’ve played Holy Paladin and Holy Priest throughout my wow “career” (which started early 2009). In this current expansion i have cleared Uldir Mythic completely, Made it to Jaina Mythic (Guild disbanding during Progress). Then got 4/8M on that forgettable raid w/e it was called. Looking to make a swift comeback in 8.3.

I’m looking for a semi-hardcore Raiding guild that has a late night schedule. Due to work restrictions I can be available for raiding roughly after 21.00 ST.

Feel free to add my bnet Nodveidt#2745 so we can chat, if you find that i could be a worthy guild member.

Disclaimer: I will not be switching to Disc, since through my experience i found that playing the spec that i like provides far better results than being forced to play the spec that someone with too much free time has deemed to be “meta”.

I forgot to provde a link to my Priest’s Armoury. Yay.ìnity

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