Hey, i am currently looking for a Mythic raiding Guild for the current and following raidtiers, until nyalotha i always played WoW more casually but since i don´t play any other games competetively anymore i wanted to start playing wow on the highest level there is, in nyalotha i got to 4/12 mythic within 1 week of pugging mythic and in the current raid tier i have 9/10 heroic xp
I´ve just rerolled to an unholy dk and would be down to transfer realm/faction if everything fitts well
for more information just either add me on Discord or Battle net
Discord: Meditus#8972
Battlenet: Paladinosart#2988
to all others that are not interested: Have a wonderful day and stay healthy
Simplistic 2/10 M, is a newly formed guild. Of irl friends, and long term in game friendships.
We have come together, formed a mythic raiding guild. That will aim for CE each tier going forwards.
We raid Thursday and Sunday, from 20-23 Server time.
Any newcomers are welcome as Trial position, main raid team is preferably looking for Warrior, Warlock, DK- Though all exceptional players are in consideration.
We are looking for socials, to help fill the optional guild events such as RBG’s, Arena, M+.
For any further questions, contact either;
Or on discord;