[Demonology] Deep dive into Soul leech bug

Soul leech is currently bugged and many damage sources that should provide us shields is bugged and don’t provide anything.

But problem goes even further if we start to test values of the damage and shields that has been generated.

For example. If we will look at the damage of Vilefiend - basic without last talents.
Video demonstration

It is all single target damage - Vilefiend has done 768k Damage.

  • 400.8k Bilespit.
  • 195.4k Melee.
  • 172.7K Headbutt

And Vilefiend only generated 4838 points of shield.

If we will follow the blizzard tooltip that states that all single target damage done by us or our minions would grant us 3% of damage dealt.
In our case it would be ~23 040.

This means that there is something inherently wrong with numbers. If we will assume that some of those spells just like many other abilities doesn’t give shields we still will get weird numbers, because 3% of the damage means that

  • Bilespit should generate roughly ~12 024
  • Melee should generate roughly ~5 862
  • Headbutt should generate roughly ~5 181

And the same issues with the Gloomhound and Charhound
The damage that Gloomhound Did.
And the shields that it generated.

Similar issues are plagues Dreadstalkers but not at the same extend - Dreadlash talent has not being picked to keep dreadbite as a single target damage spell so it could work with Soul leech.
This is the shields dreadstalkers has generated

Overall damage is 518k. And Shields that hey should have generated must have been roughly ~15 540

P.S. If Anyone wants to reproduce the bug, disable “Demonic Skin” talent in main warlock tree, and test all demons and spells one by one. With demonic skin you won’t be able to determine if Demons/spells has generated the shields.

Hey Zâsh,

I’m not seeing any known bug with Soul leech, however if the issue persists, please do report it to our developers, and they’ll be able to check this out for you. :slight_smile: Feel free to provide this information in your report, this may be very useful to them.

Bug fixes are usually published in our Hotfix blogs and patch updates, which can be found in the News section of the main site.

Thank you!

Reported this numerous times. Created a ticket once.
Did the Bug report several times, and I believe that not only I did that, other warlocks also reported this.
Also Bug report feature in game has limited amount of symbols that can be in the message ~405. Not enough to describe the issue in it’s full extent, because it is not just a case of a spell that doesn’t work with the Soul leech, but also an issue of some demons not generating the amount of shields they suppose to.

You can summarise and then link the thread where you have the full gist of it.

Did that already.