Deepholm portal not spawning

After watching the Thrall cinematic the portal to Deepholm doesnt spawn.
I have deleted my WTF folder, disabled all AddOns and followed all of the other steps the automatic ticket response reply suggest, but surely I must have overlooked something.
Did anyone else encounter this issue?

Thank you in advance.

The thrall cinematic leads you directly into deepholm. Pretty sure you need to do some quests first to unlock it.

Questie shows there should be a quest called “The Maelstorm” but it doesnt show.

Yeah, he needs to quest a bit before portal shows.

The quest doesnt show though.

What level do you are?

Currently level 83

Friendly advice. I would disregard questie if i were you. The build in quest helper from blizzard works better, believe it or not.

Deepholm portal should be on middle , spawned on platform. Since u did not finish quest line to unlock regular one where should be at first place. Will lead u to Thrall again to speak with his wife and take again fly into Deepholm. I know that because I had same issue, I take fly to Maelstorm but never finish later quests, take hs. So I needed again to do same steps.

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