Deepholm unplayable?

WTF is this lag in deepholm? constant never ending

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Prob someone’s found a dup bug or grind with rewards and the amount of bots for Mining and Herbing ? Oo

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If you experience lag I suggest you use the suggestion box for Blizzard and post feedback to let them know about this issue.

Its been like this for some time now, tonight it seemed worse than usual though. Blizzard must be aware but there is little to no chance this will be sorted out anytime soon.

place is litteral hell, the zone sucks and the lagg makes it 100x worse.
4 weeks later and it still laggs, small indie comp.


That’s too much effort for most people.

They just wanna complain here on the forums

You have lags in Deepholm? Try doing Crucible of Carnage in Twilight Highlands.
So many players spamming the NPC with request, it takes several minutes after you defeat the quest elite before the progress count as complete and any group can take next quest.

Deepholm has been a lagfest since day 1, it must be because the zone is seperate from the two continents. Now that leveling has died down a lot there’s just irani boosters at trogs but the lag is still very noticeable.

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