Are you Alliance and like to defend? Help defend our lowbie zones via Alliance Defence Force WPvP community.
Horde love to gank lowbies - our poor defenceless lowbies! Defending lowbie zones is more slow paced than BfA zones, with periods of waiting and intermitent spikes of activity. Fun if you like that.
The reward? Killing Horde lowbie gankers ofc, but also the knowledge that you are making a positive difference in a lowbie’s day. And sometimes you even get a thank you! Even if you don’t, I’m sure they appreciate your efforts. Who wouldn’t love to see a couple or more Alliance 120s swoop in, when you’ve been getting lowbie ganked without mercy.
Horde gankers quest in Redridge at Three Corners and Lakeshire. Three corners seems the most consistently active spot in our lowbie zones. A good place to sit and wait. 10+ mins can go by and no Horde, but they always show up (normal WM). Sometimes it can be quite active. Make sure you have your Net-o-Matic 5000 at the ready.
Three Corners is also conveniently close to Darkshire and Elwynn, which ofc have intermitent ganking problems. You can quickly fly into the edge of the other zones and check general or LD chat for Horde activity.
It would be awesome if we could maintain a defensive presence in our lowbie zones via Alliance Defence Force.
I know defence is not everyone’s cup of tea. But there are players out there with a defender mindset. We need you! Let’s keep Horde out, defend our lowbies!