In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Defias Brotherhood in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Your character’s name, race and class: Berry Talfoot, Gnome, Warrior.
The name of your original guild on this realm: The Kinship, The Shining Strand
** The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with:** Gianna, Amaryll, Jonkar, Lephia, Fortesque and many others (too much to name I guess. Be sure to contact me if you remember me!"
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I miss Sporeggar in this list. That was also a RP PvP server.
Started off in The Shining Strand, ultimately ended up in Grove of Eternal Balance raiding MC & BWL w/ Eternal Vigil.
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Hi! Truetimbo here, played Paladin/Warrior/Shaman back in Vanilla/TBC
Was in the guild A New Hope and just wanted to see if there were any players from that Server or guild that i might have known who are wanting to play WoW Classic.
I have a few people already from back in the day joining me and i have already established a guild. Looking to go Semi-Hardcore.
Gharb, undead rogue.
Now I know I’ve been playing Horde but there’s a good chance Alliance players would recall me better… )
Looking forward to meeting old timers!
Human mage Theresa here.
Don’t really remember much though, but cool to see some old celebrities.
I remember your daggers, Gharb… 

ESSO, Night Elf Male, Hunter
SvennO, Human male, Paladin
From the guild Federation
Looking for: Danami, Avon, Crometta and everyone else I forgot names on!
Gharb, you sly dawg! Still ganking alliance 13 years later? That’s amazing. Morfolk here by the way, I had to download WoW and level up this character just to say Hi to you, hope you appreciate it. My gnome still has a purple hat made by you in his inventory.
Anyway, more about me:
Morfolk, you may know me as either Human Paladin, guildleader of Prophecy or later as The Gnome Paladin.
I’d love to hear from any Prophecy members or Shining Strand officers or people who participated in Stormwind University or the night elf Sentinels guild and Faye or just ma’ girl Melfeena. Or the troll-only guild who gave us so much trouble 
Those days were magical.
Bahz human rogue, I believe the old guild name was The Aegis and I raided MC and BWL. It seems I started off in the shining strand according to warcraftrealms. I remember names like Aaron, Sigmar, Ample, Alyssea, Thargas
Hey Morfolk! Glad to hear you’re alive and well. =)
I hope we’ll meet ingame too, because Morfolk the gnome paladin sure made quite an impression on Gharb, so he’d remember!
Gharb and Morfolk, I remember both your names. Great to hear you guys will be playing Classic. Will you guys be playing on the RP PvP server?
Edit: Played as Berry Talfoot on Defias. Good times!
Hi, hi! Used to play under the name Zabala (Night Elf Hunter) from the start of the server and still am on here (now as Ninogan). I remember being in The Tempered Sun and Solace (sometimes faction changed to horde side) and there was one earlier guild I was with for ages but I’ve forgotten the name.
Will be going to the Zandalar Tribe RP-PvP server in Classic and would be fun to meet old friends there. Will roll a night elf hunter yet again hah.
Belaris the rogue. Guildless. Skillless. wielded Satyrs Lash untill lvl 60. Had most fun rp’ing an old hasbeen. Moved over to Sporregar and was King of the Boglurker Tribe for a few years.
Will be playing on Zandalar and is looking for a dwarfonly rp guild.
Issuth the Never speaking
Undead Mage
Looking to see if any of my old enemies are coming back to Classic. There was so many, but from the top of my head Argomil and Neko.
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Those characters sound really cool and interesting! Too bad you will be playing Alliance though. Would’ve been fun to RP with ya. 
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Sacrist, Human, Warrior.
The shining strand
Zylo, Alyssya and Tibiero are names I recall(bad with names after so many years), Would love to play with them and the other TSS people again.
Oronil, druid. Started in the shining strand then moved to The Aegis. Still friends with Nerisja, Seleen, Melfeena, Talros, to name a few. Would love to run into Eireth again, a nelf priest and many others from TA and TSS.