Hello, ill try to stay constructive:
Raid: It is ok if u get PI and do perfect rotation in cds, all your damage comes from
that so i guess it is still harder and very sensitive to mechanics than other classes.
M+ : PLEASE fix DEFILE VISUALS. It stays on top of verything ,we are playing HARD
MODE. Dk is not bursty and needs a lot of globals to start rolling damage, it is not
superbad but we could use a rework, we are one of the worst melees but i would not
even complain or write here if DEFILE visual was not bothering me this much.
Raid: I expect it to ke ok after the buffs we are geting this reset.
Breath unplayable outside of premades that play for you.
Two hand oblit damage wise is okay, but we lack a lot of quality of life, all damage
comes from pillar, if u do a mechanic on pillar we do zero damage, this needs to be
fixed. Also we need to play again HARD MODE with Frostwhelps Aid, it pulls packs VERY
EASILY, other classes can just launch cds we need to also double check where to face,
please the whelp SHOULD NOT pull mobs not in combat.
M+: I sometimes play tank, i am a main dps but tank takes just too much damage in M+
in a global, it is unplayable sometimes and for healers we are a problem, they dont
even bother healing us, this playstyle is also bad.
Just to end the long post, i am a Dk main since it came out, i feel like we are in a terrible spot overall, no spec is overall good and the class feels pointless to play unless you put some work on it, just damage tunning IS NOT doing the trick.
Best regards,