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While the High Elf fans would rejoice, I don’t think it is a good idea
The Ren’dorei should have more costumization, thats true, but they relly should distance the Allied Race from the Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei and let them to be their own thing
Void themed costumizations would be nice
Old God “taint”, extra eyes, tentacles, traits from the K’thir, the N’raqi “faceless ones” or even from the insectoid Aqir!
Such things


By this means give all horn variations to Draenei too alongside with the hair options. Same goes for the skin colours :triumph:


I don’t really think that’s a good idea, unless Blizzard is too tired to create new hairstyle than sure this could be a solution,


The vice-versa part caught my attention. I love the long wavy hair that covers half the face, very romantic, mysterious, and feminine. My blood elf would look fantastic on that.

I agree. If they ever get new customizations it should be void themed like N’Zoth eyes, void tattoos, etc.

Maybe even a Alleria styled hair for uniqueness.

That being said I don’t think they should remove any high elf customization they have already added, as many high roleplayers will be sad. Unfortunately the void elves have become a shared 2 race in one, and nothing can fix this unless they separate the two,

That being Said, I do think they should focus first on the forgotten races who didn’t receive anything such as the Vulpera, Kul Tiran, mechagnomes, dark iron, and Zanda.

The elves have gotten the spotlight when it comes to customization updates, leaving many other allied races forgotten

Edit: why did I repeat “that being said” twice. Sometimes I try to be wise and sound drunk as a result :rofl: .


Sure, no one asked for the Void Elves and to be honest, they shouldn’t even exist, from their whole backstory - exiled for a nonsense, studying “forbidden texts” work of a traitor… please. The Blood elf joined the Orcs, trolls and undead (and goblins)… all of them who tried to murder them before, and became quite pragmatic along the way; the end justify the means mindset, then not even emraced back after what happened with them, while Shadow Priests and Warlocks run amok - to their fabled ability to “mastering the Void and whispers”, you know, the things even Sargeras feared would taint a Titan and dragged Dragons , including an aspect, down to Insanity with other potent entities, like Constellars and demigodds… they are a nonsense :unamused:
BUT we have them, but instead developing them in to a proper - I use the term loosley - subrace of their own right, they are basically the poor man’s High elves, untill we find a better substitute
They were a horrible idea to begin with, but at least could have been developed in to something unque.
The High/blood Elf costuzmizations basically opress the Void Elven ones, destroying the little individuality and uniqueness they had…


I feel like void elves could overall use more hairstyles. Looking at the male options, most of the hairstyles look rather… balding. Of course people might like that, but I myself am a proof that it wouldn’t be everyone. Other hairstyles often have the trouble of (this is for females too) looking kind of strange without the tentacles. So yeah, more options would be amazing, even more so if they were created with both tentacled and tentacless in mind.


Then give blood elf’s hairs of void elves, too. They are VERY good.


Yeah, i said that in my post!

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There has to be some differentiation between them besides their racials or all they are is an Allied race with more options than normal blood elf.

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I mean, Mag’har are just cooler Orcs.

But I don’t mind if Blood Elves get to keep their hairstyles. What I’d love are new and innovative hairstyles for Void Elves. Lots of great fan concepts out there. For example some Cyberpunk-inspired hair that’s trimmed on one side and longer on the other. Gimme.

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Im sure ive seen void elf and blood elf npcs sharing hairstyles around the dragon isles

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You are already a race designed to Copy the Blood Elves.
Aren’t you happy enough?

Maybe play a Blood Elf if you want to look exactly like one.


You don’t play a faction, you play a member of a race, whos race is mainly in a faction tho’
I mean you can be a “High Elf” if you want, start at silvermoon as a Belf, then hang in neutral zones/cities and dungeon/raid with alliance ppl
Even BG with them if you want asa mercenary if that is stil la thing
But you can ignore the whol faction basically and be your own
Cross-faction guilds are coming too… sooo…

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This is what critics have the high elf fans ever accues of. They don’t want High elves. They want blood elves but on the alliance side but for stupid RP reasons are unwilling to go Horde.

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But after a little questing/dungeon on Elven territories, heck you don’t even have to left Silvermoon or just do cooking/fishing/pet battle dailies or just grind a few dungeons to unlock Dalaran, you can “live” there for the rest of your life and RP as a Silver Covenant…

No. You want to copy the style of the blood elves. It is just like Ion said. Just go Horde.


I’m playing a Vol’dunai Vulpera
For caracter creation reasons I had to have a red avatar background and started in Ogrimmar, big deal, left it and since not even been there, interracting only Zandalari or other Vulpera or Alliance races
I don’t identitify myself as a Horde player
But Elves are lucky, they don’t even have to set a foot in Ogrimarr

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was happy not to see void elf threads in a while, but hey here they are again.

Play Blood elf you want to be Blood elf.


Friendly reminder.