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Now you alliance folks have an idea of what it feels to be a Horde player whenever Blizzard decides to kill one of our main characters. Cope and seethe treehugger. Hopefully many more great alliance heroes will die.
But none of these quite hits like losing a race leader does it?
Most of us couldn’t care less about a piece of map but when a very important character is killed, it’s quite impactful.
I feel you, I do, we Hordes have lost count of the leaders that were killed for crappy narratives.
It’s time for the kaldorei to stop clinging to the past and start seeking their future, you’re people have been serving Elune for thousands of years, enduring the hardsphips that this servitude provided and now you must look beyond your past, build a better future free from the dictat of the goddess and seek powers that were before forbidden
A piece of land can be retaken. But lore characters stay dead.
He will be most likely come back stronger than ever. Blizzard loves them elves.
It’s actually far worse than that. Night elves got genocided by the opponent player faction, weren’t allowed to take care of their fallen people and weren’t allowed to have a meaningful revenge either. Meanwhile Horde is dumb and kills itself (like Sylvanas killing that orc dude or blowing up their own city) and when acts like the Alliance would have anything to do with it.
Rofl that’s the third post today where I see you about complaining about Alliance bias. Guess someone’s really mad about Horde losing 90%+ of all bgs right now Don’t worry, there’s so much “AlLiAnCe BiAs” in the game that Blizzard allowed you to queue for Alliance so that you can win some games too
The devs already stated that Malfurion is benched, not dead. He can be switched back again for Ysera at any point. But yeah, I’d much prefer the whole cast of characters dying (or the whole Alliance cast, as if that makes any difference anymore…) to losing another cool place to play in like Theramore, Darnassus or Southshore.
Weird priorities. Characters are more important for story then zones or cities.
correction they love some elves … but not the night elves the devs really love seeing them suffer
heck it amused me back in cata that malfurion was giving quests to the horde in mount hjyal while the horde was at war with the alliance and attacking and burning ashenvale at the time
ye sure they made Ragnaros out to be the bigger threat but it makes malfurion look like a traitor handing out quests to the horde while his people is fighting and dying one zone below then again the whole co leader thing never really made sense since he does like Zero for his people outside of some novel that 0000.1 % of the players will ever buy or read he won’t even protect his own wife when the horde raided darnassus
well considering it seems people can come and go from the shadowlands as they please, Malfurion most likely wil be back, and probably with both Anduin and Sylvanas, and maby even Kael, to fight the next big bad that comes at some point.
Btw… since when are Malfurion’s eyes green? Weren’t they already super special when they were gold? Did I miss something?
I still can’t quite believe how he reacted to his brother’s goodbye note in Legion, thought he was a bit of a dick after that.
Undeads have faith worse, than NElfs. They loose identity, capital and a lot of major characters and icon of the race Sylvanas. Devs clean and vanish 10 years of story connection. Now they try to bring Calia, I personally dislike, no matter how much sugar they want to bring, so to be placed on top of undeads.
Undeads give nothing, because nothing left in them. Except Calia, there is no single powerful character left. They will need a lot of devs love to be raised again as race. And none of undeads players will be happy, no matter how story will go for them.
Unless we get Nathanos and Sylvanas the Forsaken are practically a dead race. Throwing Calia at us will change nothing.
He’s going to Shadowlands to take Ysera’s place, it’s not like nobody can’t get out of there, he will be back when the time is right, don’t worry about that, same can be said for Sylvanas and Anduin
Damn, the girl has been lifting weights a lot, from a look at her. What a physice.
Oh no, he’s “”“dead”""*********!
Let us know when you plant that seed so we can bring another box of matches. Thanks.