Delete Crafting Order and no more mixed proffesion

You can’t just have 2 proffesions,is not enough when is about the recipient needed for the 3 sloot you need 3 things:
1-you must make business with other proffesion or forced to put proffesion on alts and lvl them up or lvl up new alts if you don’t have one on that realm.
2-is not enough to just gather materials,you also need to lvl them at max lvl,takes time according to the tree system,or buy from auction house if you have that gold(new players ).
3.put a public order if guildie doesn’t help,still is unsure of the material lvl.All this for 3-4 ore in plus or herbs.Proffesion got annoying as hell,worse then a real job and even after you finished some recipe it doesn’t even get excited,is more frustrating,The Df proffesions are an exploit,an annoying future only to craft youre gear,what a joke,better do mythic +for gear or lfr,in rest proff has nothing usefull,statues from jewel worth 0,the buffs from mining last 2 min and cooldown is 12 hours.
For a 2 minutes buff mining an ore you take 12 hour cooldown,are you insane😡!!
About crafting order,if i want someone from guild to craft me something,i need to pay them gold,before this exp.i could have crafted materials from other proff from guild for free,now not anymore.Best way is to get rid of them,no more crafting order.

Looks like you didnt put time to understand or develop a profession. People usually fear and hate things they dont understand.

Takes about a few minutes to find a crafter for your needs during peak hours in Valdrakken

Most (Q3) raw materials are rather cheap now , even for newer players, you should have seen the prices at the beginning of the expansion

Like I said, just look for a crafter in the trade chat…

Maybe you should read what other passives in the mining specializations do.

You can literally just pay 1 bronze comission plus the 20 gold base price and be done with it. You can get like 1k gold worth of vendor trash from 4-5 disturbed dirt piles alone.

2 min buff? Is this the overload? You can drop that back to off CD within a couple of mins easily if you’re farming?

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