Delete deadmines

Not saying you’re wrong. But the argument of some classic players just don’t add up to me. They mock Cata and want Classic fresh servers. But still think 20-30 mins is too much of a time commitment for a dungeon. Most dungeons in vanilla take far longer to complete.

Heck, even in TBC my first heroic dungeons could take up to two hours due to how harshly tuned they were.


true and real!

Ah yes, the classic duo: Ripsnarl and Vanessa, the bosses designed to test not just our skills, but our patience and sanity. Nothing like an unskippable endurance test to remind us why everyone bails at the first sight of them. Guess we should all bring a packed lunch next time!

On a more serious note, how about we propose a few improvements? Shortening their fight phases, adding more engaging mechanics, and maybe even a checkpoint system could make these encounters less of a chore. And perhaps some incentives to keep the party motivated to stick around would go a long way too.

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Seriously? If that’s a test of patience and sanity for you then I don’t even dare to ask why you even bother playing classic at all.

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Oh, I’m just here for the nostalgia and the incessant urge to punish myself, you know, the usual masochistic gamer routine.

A fellow Healer?

I think you should see it from the angle of time spent vs reward. In Classic the dungeons are long but it’s the only way to obtain a certain reward. Players see that the only way to obtain a specific gear/weapon is to do a dungeon so they accept the value proposition.

In the case of heroic dungeons in Cata, at this point the majority of players probably only care about valor points. Valor points are obtainable by finishing any heroic dungeon. No specific dungeon is required as when obtaining a specific item like in Classic. So they focus on the shortest/quickest way to obtain the valor points. That’s why dungeons like Deadmines are not favoured.

If Deadmines offered some sort of reward like an epic gearpiece that would be useful in a phase, players would do it.

Then maybe, just maybe those people should consider doing that in an organized group. Because RDF doesn’t give a damn about why you run Heroics. Some do it for VP, some do it for rep, some do it for JP and other hunt for gear upgrades. And we have no surefire way to tell who’s in the majority.

Now what you said though still makes no sense because by leaving dungeon on entry you get 30 minutes time off. And as far as I can tell not even Deadmines take more than 40 minutes so you basically always lose time by quitting dubgeon.

Thanks for your service, it is very appreciated. Leavers are the ruin of most multiplayer games. :pray:


Oh how the classic playerbase has fallen. A 25 minute run is suddenly ‘too long’.

This coming from people who ran deadmines at level 20 in vanilla classic for 40 minutes because when you wiped due to pulling a pack too much you had to spend 10 min running back. Cata truly is retail.


They have other things to do during those 30 minutes. Farm mats, run pvp, whatever.

Deadmines is too long for 250 valor points compared to other dungeons. That’s the sad truth.

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It also yields more Justice points, rep and potential gear for DE.

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I wouldn’t mind if they changed Ripsnarl to only do the mist phase once instead of three times, since that phase doesn’t really make the fight any harder, but overall I don’t really mind the place that much, sure it takes couple minutes longer than your average dungeon, but it’s still lot less time than waiting a 30 minute deserter doing nothing.

when i hit lvl 85 for the first time a couple of days ago and started spamming heroics, i got into a deadmines group and the entire party left instantly and i didnt understand why…

after finishing the dungeon i can say that i will also insta leave from now on whenever i get deadmines. absolutely horrible how you have to basically do the entire dungeon TWICE LMAO

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It gets even worse when you are all a bunch of scrub 310 ilvl alts that only get in because you are carrying gear for offspec, may aswell double the time it normally takes, which is already long. Could probably fit in a lotr movie on your other screen

Most people need valor points now.

Stay in your lane classic troll

Hit a nerve there, did I?

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First of all “retail” does not equal bad, because there are actually good retail expansions

Second of all Classic andys invading Retail or Cata Forums worldchats whatever and trying to make Retail look bad and Classic good are getting really old and annoying by now.

you are literally trolling stay in your lane and in your preferred version.