Delete Please

Hey :smiley:
I am looking for a simi-hardcore raiding guild, atm im 2/10 Mythic and wants to do more before 9.1!
I am looking for a good place to be and that i can call it my new home!
I know my tanking and is a fast learner, have been tanking sins cata, so will say i have done some tanking in my years!

my perfered days for raiding is 2 days a week (wed/thur and sun) and nothing later then 22:30 server time

Im from Denmark and is 32 years old :smiley: i have a good/sick humor and can take a joke and give back again :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont want to transfer server, like to be on Draenor and be Horde :smiley:

if you want to have a talk you can add me on.
Bnat: Baderbo#2220
Discord: Baderbo#7876


hey mate, we might be what you are looking for, please check out our recruiting post:

I am gonna add you on discord :slight_smile:

Update: Still looking :smiley: