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found a guild thx for replies

Hello Cynnher.

Aged is an Alliance guild based on Ravecrest. We’re a guild that understands long and busy weekdays, and the ups and downs of activity. We offer flexibility, are family oriented and at the same time want to have fun when we get together.

As the name implies, the average age in Aged is 30+ and many have families and busy weekdays. That’s why we only raid 1-day a week:
(Sundays from 8 - 11pm). Current progression: 6/8HC.

Besides that, we organizes weekly M+ runs (high- and low keys), we have social events (working on Dragonflight Hero) and we have an active Discord server.

For us, it is important to have good fundamental values, and we have worked a great deal on this.

  • Aware: To see and communicate with your fellow guildies.
  • Generous: With your time for others and accepting people are different.
  • Equal: Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
  • Down to earth: Be you, don’t try to be something you are not. Some are more outgoing or introvert.

These values defines us as a guild and community. We have families, jobs, rubbish days and good days. If this sounds interesting, or if you want to know more about us, let me know.

Discord: Elu#5635
B-tag: Elu#21957

Hope to see you around.

We are looking for players to extend our mythic roster. I will add you in BNet(Wardoll#2841) so we can chat about it.
For more info: [H]<Evernight> 8/8HC looking for active Players for Mythic Progression