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Hello :slightly_smiling_face: If you are still looking for a guild, we have a newer guild on Ragnaros that is focused entirely on having fun, meeting friends, helping one another, and enjoying the game. I understand this would require you to server transfer, and understand if that is not something you are looking to do :slightly_smiling_face:

If you wish to contact me, undertale22 on discord or HopesNDreams#2993 on bnet
Have a great day!

Hey Belari

We are a raiding guild who have cleared HC and are looking to start Mythic raiding for the first time in the next few weeks. We raid Mon and Thurs, 20:30–23:00 and people get together for m+ every evening for fun.

We’re on Runetotem, Kilrogg, Arathor, Hellfire and Nagrand. If you got any questions or want to come along to try us out, just send me a discord message @gordzgrey.

Take care