Delete void elves and high elves

I dont get it, how this dude is alowed to post at all, all his posts are just total noncense and doesnt ever contribute to anything

I will not. I have to spread awareness of alliance bias first.

 y’all got kicked out of Suramar once the Nightborne joined the Horde

You are free to think so, but I think it’s a good thing.

It (partially) closes a plot hole. Which is the creation of new Void Elves.

Void Elves were extremely few, I don’t think there’s a 100 of them even, originally.
And their creation is a fluke
 A failed attempt by Nether-Prince Durzaan to change them into Void beings. A ritual which was interrupted half-way.

So these new “normal” skinned Void Elves could be a “2nd generation” of Void Elves.
Where they have the artifact that created them in the first place (which is in the Telogrus Rift) but they haven’t mastered it yet, so the transformation isn’t complete.

Granted this is not confirmed or anywhere near it, but it’s a neat theory.

Personally I think Blizz will just leave it as a “plothole” when it comes to the creation of new Void Elves, because Blizz cares little for inconsistencies in the lore, sadly.

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The likelihood of that is about the same as you going out to render real blueberries extinct.

Blueberry for life! :large_blue_circle:

They could have just come out and said “yeah they did a similar ritual and made new void elves that way” and kept the skin tones as they were

I got a better idea; wipe out the Fel, sorry, Blood Elves and let the uncorrupted High Elves retake their homeland.

There is nothing to retake. Silvermoon belongs to the blood elves. Always has been.

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They didn’t though, and they’d have to explain how they took a ritual which is incomplete and somehow knew what to do with it.

Because the original Void Elf recruitment questline is written in a way that makes you wonder if the writers even though of the possibility that they’d need to make more Void Elves.

But tbh when I see people complaining about Void Elf skin tones I just imagine 99% of them are just salty because the Alliance got something that was originally Horde only.

But granted, I hope not all future Allied Race customization options for Void Elves is exclusively to look less like a Void Elf.
Would be neat with some Voidy customizations as well.

So you admit it? That we can also be High Elves? Thanks boo

And it should have stayed that way. You stole OUR model. This is peak alliance bias. never trust the alliance community. They are greedy and selfish.

I don’t want to have the void elves deleted
 Not yet, I have not unlocked them, so I need to try them before they go away.

But I do like your positive attitude, and how hard you are working for your cause - keep up the good spirit :+1:

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Thanks. My fight will continue to as long as it needs to be.

Im salty for 2 reasons.

It strips blood elves of a lot of their unique appeal as a race. Outside of hair styles there is no real difference any more.

It waters down the identity of void elves when they hardly even look void related any more.

To me it feels like 2 races have had their identities attacked so that others can play a high elf and im not overly cool with that.

But whats done is done

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Yes it was a devious plot you see

I snuck into Blizz HQ and inserted my fanfic story into the writers papers! Mixing it in with the rest, so they never even knew it didn’t belong there in the first place!

And I did it not because I wanted Void Elves specifically, it was only to make sure Blood Elf players saw their model running around with Alliance colors!

Evil laugh

I know you did that. And I will fight all the way I can to reverse that decision and make Blood elves unique again. The Horde will have the last laugh. Lok’tar!

You still haven’t explained HOW you’re planning to do this because complaining on the forums won’t work.

The high elf fanatics got their way after complaining long enough. There is no reason to think this doesn’t work in reverse somehow.

I disagree. Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race. It’s just that Blood Elves used Fel to feed their addiction while High Elves did not.

Please don’t delete me :sob:

On the other hand, who really cares. I am mostly red nowadays anyway :japanese_ogre: