They stole our model. They stole our skin colors. They want to steal our hair styles too. Next the fanatics will ask for our lore characters and Silvermoon. I say enough is enough. No more stealing from the Horde. Blizzard I demand you for deleting the fake race that only exists because they stole all their stuff from the blood elves who were playable here first. Delete them both(void elves and high elves) and make the blood elf model unique again. Lok’tar! For the Horde!
eh while you’re at it just get rid of elves in general tbh
Yeah like Bizz will listen to some random guy on the forums…
They listened to the High elf fanatic rants. There is no reason this doesn’t work the other way around too.
Add more elves.
Let us reach critical mass.
That took years and thousands of players demanding on every platform imaginable. Your demand is also a lot more spiteful than theirs was, so I doubt it’ll gain much attention. Why would they delete an allied race from the game that their developers put probably a fair bit of time and effort into?
You know your entire race came from high elves…so…If anything you are using -their- looks! and just added some green eyes on it and called it a different race.
Oh and maybe not Silvermoon but actually, the isle of Sunwell accepts high elven people in it ^^
It’s like evolution, tbh.
Trolls > Night elves > high elves > blood elves > void elves.
Good TS is in the wrong part of the forum now come in the would you marry, kiss or kill thread PLEASE ! I am so longing to have a take on You , yeah run that’s what’s best for you !
We’ve got trolls. Fetch the spray.
Don’t forget that actually, high elves were here before blood elves. So YOU stole their models, their skin colors, and their hairstyles.
Wrong. Bloodelfs were playable First. Alliance Are the thiefs here.
I talk about lore, here.
General Forums are that way -------------->
And honestly please stop trolling on the RP forum like you do in the Story forums.
Deleting Blood Elves would be more interesting, have one of their mana bomb blow up in their face or something.
Yes please just delete everything which shares the belf model period, I’m so done with that race/race(s) its insane
Instead for asking for deletion, you could always just ask for Horde Void Elves. I would -so- become one.
I don’t understand what you see as “stealing”. The Alliance didn’t steal anything. Blood Elves are still playable for the Horde, have a different background, and even their own capital city.
What exactly is the problem with the Alliance playing a race that was at first an Alliance based faction? I remember when the Burning Crusade came out a lot of Horde players thought it was a weird idea to involve Elves into the Horde, which is mostly made out of barbarian misfits. With that mindset, the Horde stole Elves FIRST from the Alliance.
I think you take this way too personal. Nothing has been stolen from you, or intervenes with you playing your own race however you like. So I don’t understand the fuss you make about this?
The guy’s a troll, making several threads per week screaming fervent loyalty to the Horde, listing reasons the Alliance should cease to be and has a real beef with the existence of void elves.
Oh… Kinda lame way of trolling as I don’t see the humour in it? Some people and their life I suppose…