(Deleted post)

Yea, but, like… What do people find appealing about very small, furry creatures enough that they wanna sexualize them??

Sadly not going to happen. For some of us Classic is our main version of the game.

Not a bad idea.

Would probably cause a technical slurry and break the forums rather than fix them. They also tried a similar idea back in 2010 but with real player names attached to them, ofc this didn’t go down due to data protection laws.

Forum trust ranks are ridiculous fr. They won’t do this though because it would mean actually hiring staff to moderate.

Realistically we’re looking more like 75% plus drop, though only on realm forums. GD requires a sub anyway.

Idk ask a furry.

They wanna see what they look like when they take the fursuit off! >=D

Not that I trust Blizzard would ever commit to that revamp (what’s the point of it anyway) but we have the exact same forum webapp for every other Blizzard Forum and they all share the same infrastructure. What we have on the WoW forums was tacked onto that baseline, it wouldn’t be a gargantuan task to remove it.
The alternative is to have the character as the user-ID but the associated Battletag would be permanently made visible next to the character name.

I remember and that was stupid. I don’t advocate for that, but BattleTag visibility for the same level of accountability without the added baggage of revealing people’s personal data. (as far as I’m aware BattleTags are NOT personal data, it’s all Blizzard’s.)

Even better.

I mean you earn those ranks by essentially spamming the forums and upping your activity to a certain level. If anything it will remove the incentive for the eternal fence sitters and chronic opinion posters to constantly make themselves heard so they can then link memes.

That would stop the legion of level 11 posters for sure

I’m under no illusion that any measure short of shutting down the entire forums would stop our dedicated troll squadron of forum specters. They’d create and subscribe on a second account, level up their pcubaddogwaterxx alt to level 10 and then post their hot takes anyway if every measure I mentioned would be introduced.

But they would still help against those who can’t be bothered with the above.

The issue isn’t whether it is in all guilds or not but that there is no real way to absolutely know whether there is or isn’t even for people within the guild, let alone without it. That’s why we use the rules of the guild as a guideline to what their reaction to it being discovered would be.

Any GM who can (earnestly) say “my guild 100% doesn’t have ERP in it” is either a red flag as somebody who is really arrogant about their administrative abilities or is monitoring all the guild’s members to a point where it’d make me uncomfortable for a group in a hobby setting.

Going Helen Lovejoy about it and thinking about the kids (but not in a Jade Witch way) is a good idea for public examples of it happening. Making public instances of it taboo is a good idea. Going full Spanish inquisition about private examples, less important (unless one of the individuals is underage of course).

Ah, I member when other forum sections were saying that about AD. Good times.

This Pride month I found out that the Gae(lek)s hate me. I’ll be here all week!

It’s the internet. There is an audience for literally anything here.

Oh, I’d be absolutely gone if I had to pay a sub again to post. Was thinking of fully recommitting for Dragonflight but couldn’t bring myself to pay for a sub from an ethics perspective.


absolutely, it has no place in public channels. hammer the weirdos who can’t keep their proclivities to themselves, and even go as far as to extend to to those who seem to think its cool and edgy to graphically describe violence and bloodshed as well in visceral detail.

witch hunting private stuff though? i mean it’s as useless as marching into goldshire to report profiles, i’ve had GMs reply to tickets i’ve made in the past saying that they cannot police third party addon interactions with some citing its an optional choice made by players to use.

Using them to actually ‘harass’ other players with them though they did say is reportable, so I’m presuming by that you can’t post libel and slander on your trp3 about other players or try impersonate them.

There’s a struggle here alright

…my character remarked they likely needed to go to the toilet. They insisted otherwise so I let it go, but an hour and seven (I counted) drinks later, they apparently still didn’t need to go. I brought this up in whispers as I felt it was fairly unrealistic and was ruining my immersion, but they disagreed and said it didn’t matter. I was forced to imagine that their character had soiled themselves, which caused them to get quite aggressive OOC.

…but I think a bladder/bowel system based on what you eat and drink (in terms of in-game items), a number of ‘outhouse’ interactable objects in the world (or proper toilets inside buildings) and the need to make sure you use one in time before your character soils themselves could add an extra dimension to things.


Yeah, I wonder who those bad actors might be.

Could you explain to the audience why you keep trying to portray Vulpera roleplayers as if they heavily involve themselves in thinly veiled fetishes in public every single time in these last few months that there’s been a thread up where roleplayers are giving feedback or asking questions to the the devs and/or the rest of the community and viceversa, all while portraying scenarios that anyone who’s roleplayed in Argent Dawn for longer than 2 days knows absolutely did not happen?


I love how a deleted post is getting so many replies.

There is a slight stigma around Vulpera. But there are plenty more Vulpera out there who are worth hanging out with.
Kinda like Pandaren when they first came out.
And Gnomes have always had it. I remember when there were only two gnome guilds, and they kept accusing the other of stealing members from eachother. Such drama.

No yeah, I get that, it’s just the strange shirtposting gamerspeak posts from 2020, then a 3 year silence, only to come back a few weeks ago and start posting in the same kind of threads (RP community feedback / new RPers asking questions / etc.), with the same kind of beat, and always talking about scenarios that could be perfectly described with this video:


So, yeah. If this bait were to glow any more brightly, it’d have depleted uranium in it.


I used to -LOVE- that show.

I never asked for this…
So much pain…

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