Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

I understand this particular horse has been beaten to death, raised into undeath and then beaten again 'til there’s nothing left, but I am getting really tired of people being unable to accept any consequences to their actions. It can be far-ranging from big things such as ignoring trauma or realistic character death/injury, to smaller things like “‘nope-ing’” out of inconvenient situations.

Last night, for example, I was bumped into a stranger and we wound up getting some drinks in-character. They were going through theirs quite quickly, to the point that my character remarked they likely needed to go to the toilet. They insisted otherwise so I let it go, but an hour and seven (I counted) drinks later, they apparently still didn’t need to go. I brought this up in whispers as I felt it was fairly unrealistic and was ruining my immersion, but they disagreed and said it didn’t matter. I was forced to imagine that their character had soiled themselves, which caused them to get quite aggressive OOC.

This is obviously just one example. There are many others, such as someone going off to war and coming back without a scratch, wise-cracking as he watches his comrades die in droves all around him. It really is a shame there isn’t more of a commitment to a realistic approach, but I suppose with the game the way it is these days it’s apparently a lot to ask for.