Deleting NPC... Why?

When Alex Afrasiabi left Blizzard the way he did with no announcements and all his socials disabled i remember thinking to myself this is so weird as he was such a big part of WoW for so long.

Figured he was just unhappy with the direction WoW was going and at the time there were other long time Blizzard people leaving.

Guess now we know why and it makes sense but honestly this would have been the last reason i would have thought of.

it is, but they knew a year ago as well, they only do it now cause they’re sorry that they got caught.

I’m okay with his NPC removal, BUT If they can delete an NPC in one day, why can’t they fix warlocks battle stance since Shadowlands pre-patch? Wish they could fix bugs that fast.

It will just be renamed from ‘Field Marshal Afrasiabi’ to ‘Percy the Perv’ not deleted.

your supposed to be putting content in not taking it out just rename things

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If you seriously can’t see the difference between recording history, and homaging a sexual harasser ingame, you have issues.

Imagine comparing a video game to actual history lol. No actually wtf.

So let’s say again: videogame, and ppl don’t want such toxic minded people as reference.
For example Madeleine Roux, why is her NPC still in the game? That foul little creature was so toxic and sexist, racist towards white males that Blizzard even promotes her. Like wtf???

Are you implying that the sexual allegations are against the developers in game characters?
Because you are aware the events are also, real, right?

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I guess they have to show some sort of action after claiming to be so inclusive of every marginalised community, and changing their company branding to rainbow colours for Pride month, etc.

But, let’s be real: they knew about this for probably its entire duration, i.e. years, and have only removed the Afrisiabi NPCs, quests and items over the last few days because now the public knows, too.

Yet, when someone like Swifty just got accused of something he was immediately cancelled and had his NPC removed straight away with zero investigation or proof of any kind.

Standards, Blizzard - standards.

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This is just a PR exercise and virtue signaling.

What they should do is enacting internal rules and proceedings inside the company for these actions be supressed and never happen again.

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