Deleting NPC... Why?

So one main solution for Blizzard is to delete NPC in game that are connected with the people that has harassed and abused girls. I sure the employes cheers of happiness over this action and they are saticfied for that… NOT!

FFS this sort of action is the same as delete picture of A H_itler and think the WW2 never happande and the na_zis never existed! Its so stupid.

Only thing to do is kick the accused people out from Blizzard and wait for the trail to see it they will be guilty or not. Ereasing NPC wont solve the problem! I bet the girls deserve to see some real action taken against the ones that are guilty.

(sorry for my bad english)


Alex Afrasiabi was removed recently from Blizz. It was before the lawsuit started. He was let go in quiet because Blizz knew of all the allegations against him that were going to come out.


The most guilty ones always act like this, it was red flag to me the moment I saw what they did to swiftly.


‘Real Action’ is what the lawsuit precisely aims to do.
In the meantime removing npcs dedicated to people that have shown some absolutely disgusting behaviour is the right thing to do.

This is not claiming it didnt happen, this is about not giving people a platform and exposure they dont deserve.

If your local super market stopped selling your favourite cereal because the packages had a ton of racial slurs and homophobic messages on them, would you still be upset demanding your cereal anyway or agree with the decision not to support someone/a company with harmful practises?


He “left” last year. The lawsuit started 2 years ago. I’m sure Blizzard made him leave in anticipation of this scandal.


Maybe be more polite and edit to say “women.” It’s not just people below the age of 18 that play this game. There are mothers with children (boys and girls) who play this game too. It was to show respect to them. I have friends who are in such a family situation and I doubt they’d want to see a reference to a sexual predator in the game their daughter plays. The game needs to be safe for everyone, whether it’s a male or female or gender neutral gamer. At least 40% of the audience of World of Warcraft is female. The idea that “only men or boys” play it is a thing of maybe more than a decade ago.

DO NOT compare this with the events of WW2, please. That was a terrible war. It is correct we shouldn’t forget it happened, but similarly when ANY bad event happens we need to learn from it so not to make a similar mistake.

Erasing an NPC removes the “honour of being remembered” in terms of the individual who the NPC was created for. Hence why it’s important to have GOOD NPCs represented in this game of people who did things in the real world that MATTERED. For example I’d appreciate an NPC representing Dr Martin Luther King Jr now that they have black skin colour in the game. Perhaps standing in the throne room, and studying a book in his hands, then if you do /salute at him he says “The time is always right to do what is right.” (actual quote of something King stated). Especially the right sort of thing to say NOW when such words matter to the people at Blizzard TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT!!!


The lawsuit was started a few days ago. The investigation began 2 years ago.

I dunno mate. Even if I’m against the instant removal of NPCs but the stuff with Afrasiabi is backed up by so many people, he himself even deleted all of his social media and left Blizzard without a noice last year :thinking:

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The thing is that this should be done without Blizzard screams about it and claps there chest and think they are so damn good.

Alex left a year ago. If they wanted to do the right thing they’ve had a year to do it.

The only reason they are doing something now is because its in the spotlight so they are going the virtue signalling route.


It’s a corporation. Of course they’d rather avoid such spotlight. Anyway, even if I wish Q. Flynn and Swifty back, they at least we’re able to witness the news of Blizzard.

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They need to be vocal about it cause people were pretty tilted how they instantly removed Swifty from the game over one allegation.

So yeah, they had to do that.

They deleted Swifty over 10 follower twitter accusation story without proof until this day.
Removed voice actor and his lines over the same again with no proof until this day.
Would be insane if they not removed this guy when there is actual proof…

PS: still id like first two above reinstated in the game.


We dont erase history, we study history, specially the dark, ugly part of history, so we dont make the same mistakes all over again.

Cancel culture is cancer culture, its the XXI century inquisition, serves no purpose but a false sense of “justice” when in fact promotes obscurantism.

These sorts of problems are resolved by law in a court room and in prison if people are found guilty, not by demolishing statues or erasing NPC’s.


Its not a main solution, no need to be triggered, chill.

One can dethrone baddies while still preserving the history about them.

Rather than just deleting all Furor / Afrisiabi references, they could add in-game notes/content pointing out that person’s (alleged) crimes.

Let players kill the npc in game.


There is no history to be preserved.

im up for that ! less npcs = less video lag!

There’s a very good reason to remove references to him, beyond he doesn’t deserve the honour. Everyone who was assaulted and harassed by him now doesn’t have a constant reminder in the game they love of their abuser. You’d be surprised the difference it makes.

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