Delve broken, why make everything in wow so sweaty?

Honestly guys why was this needed? People finally had fun in the game and you had to ruin it. First m0 is a joke, its really difficult for no reason and it drops veteran gear. Delve dungeon meant to be a solo experience but since its too hard people played it like a dungeon and it worked. now you ruined delve completely with this madman scaling. Why is a problem for blizzard if we gear out a character in a week or two? you know we would like to try other character or specs too, not gonna cancel the sub just because I got 600 ilvl easily.


They don’t want you to have fun, they want you to lose your temper.


I was having fun with a couple of friends yesterday, we arent good, we dont do m+ or anything. We were having to res one of our party often and still slog through the T8. We’re casuals but we were having fun, we had to play as well as we are able to but it felt earned and rewarding.
Logged on today to play some more and just get demolished by everything, lives evaporate with the changes to rez. The most un fun experience I’ve had in a game in a long time, my mates gone to play something else and I logged out.
Not everything needs to be for the sweats


Yesterday I have done solo t8 and group. Ok not gonna lie the group was ez af but the solo was hard.
Today its simply unplayable. It isnt hard. The mini bosses one shotting you with aoe (i play tank prot war) in a small corridor where you dont have anywhere to go isnt hard content, its unplayable and untested.
Simple trash mob melee hits for 4m. what is this crap?


You wont cancel it now.

You will cancel it in 2 weeks when you come back to the forums complaining that “there is nothing to do so im unsubing”.

Also :

It isent. You just dont pay attention to mechanics. Turn on 1 neuron and the kick keybind and they are as easy as heroics. I can guarantee you that 100%.

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It’s first week, give them time to balance it.

The time to balance it was in beta though :confused:


They did try to balance it.

You can no longer roflstomp in a 567 ilevel group a t8 delve which awards hero(vault) stuff with a recommended ilevel for entering: 600+

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It’s utterly baffling. What on earth have Blizzard done to Delves in the last 24 hours?!

I was really enjoying the solo challenge then suddenly tiers I’ve previously done are literally unplayable; just gave up after the first mob pack on my level 77 mage in a tier 3 that he’s previously run several times because it took several minutes to get down a single mob with just two NPCs in it, a caster and a biter.

At a higher level, I completed up to Tier 7 solo on my ilevel 582 warlock a couple of nights ago, it was hard work but a great challenge and good fun content. Tried another Tier 7 last night and I’m getting 1 shotted by random minor trash mobs; wildly inconsistent tuning (and obviously I haven’t even mentioned solo vs group scaling, that’s another kettle of monkeys!).

Again, baffled.


m0 is like old m +10 . ofc its difficult if you have 0 decent gear.

you can though rotflstomp them solo in 600 itlv gear you got in last 2 days :slight_smile:

so those who pushed early now rip all benefits :slight_smile:

which i personaly find super ironic and funny :slight_smile:

The relative difficulty of delves (after hotfix) is sensible if you consider that T8 and up is considered solo end game. You get 616 gear in the Vault from doing T8 delves, which is the same gear level you get from doing M+ 7s (for the Vault). This is the first week of the season.

The difficulty of T8 delves in a group before the hotfix was in absolutely no way comparable to 7s (not even to M0s), so expecting to essentially get raid level gear for almost zero effort is unrealistic.

It was clear that they would fix this. They probably overshot now, but the pre-hotfix T8s were nowhere close to the level of difficulty that justified the rewards. It should never have gone live like that.


are you enjoying trolling people? because thats what you are. professional dk eater


Dont like the facts ? They hurt or what ?

Or maybe i am wrong and i am trolling. But first, tell me 1 thing that is not true in my statements.

Like the DK eater coment :

This did not happen ?

Im a rogue main since original wotlk, do you think I dont know how to play mechanics? doesnt matter how much dps you have or what item level you have when the mobs kill you with 3-4 hits or less. you are trolling since yo are posting from a lvl70 character defending blizzard when everyone else is complaining. i bet you dont even play the game anymore


Im uncertain why it shows im level 70. But if you would have noticed the mog on my picture its not possible to be 70 and have it.

Not if you are a tank. If you are a tank you can solo this stuff.

And if they nerf it such that DPS cant die, then the tank simply pulls more mobs, finishes faster than you and to higher level.

It dosent matter how well you play your rogue. A rogue has its limitations. Which can be overcome by a 2nd person that covers them for you. Like a tank or a healer.

but delve meant to be a solo experience, for group we already have dungeons are raids…


and where is problem to have more options … and to give reason to play with other people . this is not single player game

Along with your NPC companion, Delves can be explored solo or with a group of up to five, with any combination of classes. And, since they take 10-15 minutes on average to complete, they’re ideal for players who want to experience a meaningful game progression without significant time commitments.

NO. They said you CAN go solo. They did not say its the optimal way to do it solo.

And as I explained already, the advantages of group play make it such that soloing things will NEVER make it the optimal way. Its mathematically impossible.

Like I said. Prove 1 thing wrong from what I said. And THEN call me a troll. Go.

Im waiting.

And PS : If you really want a true, well balanced solo experience, then dont play a MULTIPLAYER game. Thats a start.

If what you want is to play at your own competitive branch of wow that dosent require guilds, schedules, or premades (but still requires PEOPLE, because its a Multiplayer game) … then play Delves.

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great mate but group experience got ruined with the recent hotfix dont yo uunderstand? even yesterday, one of the delve had 3 minibosses with 250 MILLION health each. thats 750m hp. raid finder with 25 people had a boss health 1.2billion. its a joke.

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