If you run a delve at your limit, and you make it to the last boss but are unable to defeat it; you just wasted 30 minutes of your time.
What would be nicer gameplay wise, and make pushing higher delves more appealing, is that if you die on the end boss it drops a tier (and the loot).
This would make it more appealing and more enjoyable to push higher and higher delves, knowing even if you can’t defeat the end boss, which you wont know until you try, you will at least have the mechanic of the boss dropping a tier on each death giving you the chance to actually clear it. And then you know your limit, but also; you will be more willing to try that again.
If this was done, it’d also be nice if there was an item you could use to prevent the boss from dropping a tier on death. Having options are always better than having none.
So throw loot at you for failing to kill a boss?
You’re joking, right?
The loot would get dropped a tier. Meaning you just ran an entire delve at a higher tier, but get punished with a lower tier reward for failing to kill the boss without dieing.
i.e. You wasted time pushing through the delve at higher tier and thus difficulty, when you could have done it faster and easier on the lower tier you ended up getting anyway.
So, actually kinda punishing.
the game still has to register you passing the challenge before giving a reward. having prev tier achievement or progress done doesn’t mean can pass it every time. so essentially you are asking for on demand live delve downgrade feature. not sure how difficult it is to implement, but suspect it might cause issues, for example when grouped with other players.
You know that when you are doing something hard for you it’s not wasted time?
You are learning that content so when you go in next time you not gonna fail.
What you propose is bad.
ilvl is not everything sometimes you need to play properly to beat the challenge.
There’s quite a few things to unpack here:
At least for the current season, rewards end at Tier 8. Tiers 9, 10 and 11 do not reward anything more. So if I try to run a tier 10 and I fail, under your suggestion I do not have any change in my reward than if I keep trying until I get it down because 9 rewards the same as 10.
– Tied to this is the fact that, again just for the current season, tiers 9, 10 are just for getting you ready for tier 11, that’s their only purpose. Tier 11 is for bragging rights and a couple achievements.
Scaling is rough between the different tiers. If you are constantly dropping below 50% of your maxHP in tier X, chances are you will die at tier X+1 from the same damage sources. If you did not somehow skip tiers (I don’t think you can), you can see if you have trouble with one tier and re-attempt it until you are confident you can proceed to the next tier. If you manage tier X after being forced to use many consumables, deaths and reattempts at its final boss, that’s an indication that you are not yet ready for X+1 but that you need to further hone your skills at difficulty X first.
You also have to remember that managing it once doesn’t mean you can manage it every time. You have to be confident you can easily manage it before you can say you are ready for the next tier.
30 minutes for a Delve sounds like an exaggeration. Without speedrunning but absolute flowersniffing, like I do, they should take around 15-20 minutes or less. If you truly spend 30 minutes in a Delve without afking a lot due to real-life interfering, that’s an indication you need better equipment so that you kill stuff faster. Don’t also neglect enchants, gems, consumables and tier-set bonuses from the Catalyst if you do not have those already.