Delve: Spiral Weave - every single time without fail is "Strange Disturbances"

Has anybody else noticed this, or is it just me?

It’s the same on Multiple characters over multiple days.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen other stories - because I’d definitely have the credit towards the achievement for any of the other stories, as I’d have run them on a low tier just to progress the achievement if I’d encountered it when levelling an alt.

Can’t even get the Spiral Weave Discoveries achievement either when I’m not getting other stories spawning.

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They rotate every day don’t they?

Seemingly not - I had Strange Disturbances yesterday and today on all 3 of my 80s - so if they are supposed to rotate it clearly isn’t as it is the same for two days since this weekly reset.

To reiterate what I said in the initial post. I have never seen one of the other stories as yet.

Today I finally got a different story. Be interesting to see how long it takes to cycle through them all.

Strange Disturbances again on Saturday, so 3 times out of 4 this reset week so far.

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